Mindfulness for Cancer- Activ Lving

ध्यान और मेडिटेशन कैंसर के मरीजों की कैसे मदद कर सकता है - डॉ. जानवी सुतारिया

Cancer is a chronic and life-changing disease, which causes not only major physiological damages but also extremely intense psychological impacts. Based on the level and intensity of cancer, the patient may go through anxiety, depression, stress, anger issues, body image issues, etc. If the cancer is very advanced, the patient may also go through an emotional crisis related to end of life.

During such phases, individuals often try to avoid experiencing these negative emotions. They try and distract themselves, use unhealthy defense mechanisms, and forget to live in the present. Mindfulness is a practice that focuses on being completely conscious and aware of what one is experiencing at the moment. Mindfulness has innumerable benefits, some of the most important ones being the following:

How to make mindful decisions- Activ Living

  • Mindfulness involves effective breathing practices. Due to cancer-induced anxiety, overthinking, panics and stress, one may experience heavy breathing and faster functioning of organs. This works against the bodies of those with cancer, as their energy levels and capacity significantly reduces due to the treatments they go through. By practicing mindfulness, one focuses on various parts of the body, helping the heart-rate and other organs to slow-down and function in a way that is most suitable for the body.
  • A lot of times, with the news of cancer, one starts focusing more on all that has happened in the past, or the plans that they have made for the future, which they feel they may or may not be able to fulfill. Due to this, one stops focusing on the present and misses out on the opportunity to use the time in hand to the fullest. Mindfulness helps in focusing on the present and trying to do the best you can with it.
  • Through mindfulness, one gets the strength to accept the circumstance. Cancer leads to weakness, changes in skin, hair-loss, weight-loss etc, which further lead to loss in confidence, self-esteem and self-belief. Most of the initial phase after diagnosis goes in denial. Whereas, a body that’s bearing cancer, needs acceptance the most. The faster the acceptance of the effects and side-effects of cancer happens, the better and more realistic will be one’s state of mind, and the faster will be the recovery.
  • Mindfulness works on the principle of being aware of ones thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sensations, in a completely non-judgmental attitude. Hence, mindfulness assists in drastic reduction of the possibility of self-loath, self-hatred, or self-pity. It focuses on exploring and accepting one’s complete self, just the way it is, without any additives, judgements and interpretations.

Cancer also impacts the lives of family members, friends and loved ones of the patient. The psychological impact on them, in some cases, maybe equal to or even worse than the one on the patient. Mindfulness is equally important and effective on them, as it is on the patient. Mindfulness brings one closer to themselves. Many times, to fight disorders like cancer, one needs the support of mind more than body.

Janvi Sutaria

BA in Psychology from Mumbai University; Msc Dip in Clinical and Health Psychology from Newcastle University, United Kingdom