Meditate Better

How To Meditate Better: Tips And Techniques For A Calmer, Clearer Mind

In this modern age, living a sedentary life is very easy, which can lead to serious mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. Being mindful and meditating daily can help you cope with the changes and stress you might be going through. So, how to meditate daily? 

इनके बारे में जानें:

What is meditation?

Meditation is an age-old practise where you train your mind to stay calm. It involves mental and physical techniques to clear your mind. This psychotherapeutic practise encourages a heightened sense of awareness. The main meditation tip is to focus on your thoughts and stay grounded in the present moment. This means noticing the thoughts that cross your mind without judgement. It also involves focusing on your breathing and bodily sensations. 

The benefits of daily meditation

Meditation is an exercise that benefits people trying it for the first time. Mindfulness meditation can help you better understand yourself. Meditation is an effective technique to lower anxiety and deal with depression. In addition, meditation also 

  • Helps you stay calm – Practising meditation helps eliminate negative thoughts, resulting in a clear and tranquil state of mind. Daily practise can also help you stay calm and mindful. 
  • Lowers blood pressure levels – High blood pressure levels can increase the risk of heart disease, strokes, or attacks. However, practising meditation can decrease blood vessel tension and help you control your blood pressure. 
  • Improves sleep quality – Many individuals experience sleep and insomnia-related problems in today’s fast-paced world. Practising meditation can help get better sleep and manage insomnia. it will allow you to relax your body, releases tension and helps redirect stressful thoughts.  
  • Improves emotional health – Meditation is one of the most effective techniques to fight stress. Untreated anxiety, stress and worry can increase your cortisol levels, leading to depression. This can result in several harmful effects, like the production of cytokines, an inflammatory chemical. So, practising meditation can help reduce the inflammation response caused by stress. In addition, 8 weeks of disciplined meditation can boost your mood and help you be stress-free.

Tips for practising daily meditation. 

How to meditate daily? Consider following these tips for meditation to make your sessions more effective and mindful:

  • Make time for personal meditation 

Take out your me time- Activ Living Set 20 minutes aside daily to meditate. Yes, this also means tuning out from social media and keeping your phone aside for a peaceful meditation session. 

  • अपने सांसों पर ध्यान दें 

Begin by focusing on your breathing. This will help you recognize your thought patterns and pay attention to them. 

  • Become aware of your bodily sensations

While meditating, focus on the feeling of your palms on your knees or the sounds of nature to calm your mind and make your meditative sessions much more enjoyable. 

  • Try a guided meditation

Guided Meditation- Activ Living

You can try a guided meditation session. It is the process of meditating under the guidance of an experienced practitioner. You can practise it daily by listening to a visual or audio narration.

  • Maintain a post-meditation journal 

Writing down your thoughts in a personal diary can help you become more mindful. You can also incorporate gratitude journaling for a better state of mind. It includes jotting down the 5 things that make you feel grateful. It could be a simple list of good things that happened to you or jotting down your feelings honestly with every detail. 

  • Let the creative juices flow

How to be creative- Activ Living

One life-changing tip of meditation is indulging in a creative activity like doodling or coloring. This can help set your thoughts in motion while leaving you feeling accomplished in creating something new. 

Now that you know how to meditate daily, remember to stick to your routine to reap the health benefits of meditation.

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