Lifestyle trends in 2021- Activ Living

सुप्रिया अरुण द्वारा, 2021 में आपकी मदद करने वाले 5 वेलनेस ट्रेंड

Welcome to the Activ Living Podcast. This is a health and wellness podcast which focuses on our daily fitness. In this episode, you will

Discover the fitness trends in both physical and mental aspect as we recover from the pandemic.

“To stay healthy today, our only defence is immunity, which in turn depends on our body’s nutritional status and fitness.” – Supriya Arun, nutritional consultant.

The guest this week, Supriya Arun, is a certified nutrition and weight management expert. She highlights how the lockdown has witnessed a change in health and wellness trends in India. Here are a few trends that will help you get through the year that lies ahead.

The main focus has been an improved awareness about health. With people learning to stay fit at home through exercising and a nutritious diet. From home workouts to daily walks, fitness levels have improved because people are focusing more on their health.

The focus on ‘building immunity’ is the new priority with exercise and a healthy diet. This is also complimented by another new healthy food trend of eating home-cooked food a lot more. There has been a drop in ordering junk food. People are also following healthier eating habits like reducing oil and sugar and including immunity boosting ingredients in their diet.

The much-needed attention to mental health troubles like depression and anxiety is also finally coming to the fore. With people being able to approach mental health professionals online too. However, much work is still left to be done in this area and the focus on mental health trend will only grow as the year goes on.

Stay tuned for more health updates with our Activ Living Podcast You can also find regular and useful advice on fitness, nutrition and mindfulness on our blog.