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Sweating Too Much? Try These Proven Methods for Reducing Sweating

भले ही गर्मी सर चढ़कर बोल रही हो, लेकिन आप इसका असर अपनी डाइट, फिटनेस या मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर न पड़ने दें. इसके बजाय, आगे बढ़कर भाग लें #HealthySummerWithActivLiving कैम्पेन में, और किसी भी परिस्थिति में एक स्वस्थ लाइफस्टाइल जीने का तरीका सीखें.

Sweating is the body’s natural response to hot weather. Sweating helps keep your body cool when the temperatures around you increase. While sweating is a part of Activ Living in summer, अत्यधिक पसीना आना can be a problem too.  

इनके बारे में जानें:

What are the causes of excessive sweating? 

It is only natural for your sweat to increase as the weather becomes hotter. However, if you are sweating too much without any clear reason, it could be caused by anything from low blood sugar to pregnancy or even some medication that you might be on. The medical term for the condition of profuse sweating is called hyperhidrosis and it might require special treatment. 

How to reduce sweating in the summer?

Regardless of whether you have a medical condition or not, we all need tips to keep the body cool in this summer heat. While staying at home during the pandemic it might be easier to beat the heat at home with simple steps like wearing light clothes or including cooling nutritious foods in your diet. Here are some tips specifically to reduce sweating:  

1 Avoid stress and anxietySweating can be a common response of the body to stressful situations. Stress and anxiety could be a major cause of your excess sweating, especially during the pandemic. Try meditating and other सांस लेने की तकनीक to stay calm during the day. 

2 Reduce spicy foods and hot beverages

Food loaded with chillies contain the chemical capsaicin which cause you to sweat. Avoid hot beverages like green tea, tea and especially coffee. The caffeine in coffee is a major sweat trigger so you try and substitute it with fresh fruit juices or coconut water.  

3 Apply coffee scrub or aloe vera gelएलोवेरा gel is useful in your skin care for the summer. It not only cools the skin to reduce sweating, but also reduces inflammation. This can help you avoid summer rashes and skin irritation. A coffee scrub made with ground coffee beans and coconut oil exfoliates the skin to stop you from sweating too much.  

4 Lower your salt intake

Lowering your salt intake would also mean avoiding foods with high sodium content. This is mainly because your body tries to release any excess sodium you consume through sweat.  

5 Use an antiperspirant

An antiperspirant can block sweat ducts so that the sweat produced by the sweat glands doesn’t reach the skin. Ensure your armpits are clean and dry before using it. You can apply antiperspirant before going to bed and continue the routine for 8-10 days to reduce sweating throughout the day. 

Find tips on पोषण और फिटनेस, to stay healthy with #ABHIKaro – Activ Living in Summer. Let us know in the comments if you have any summer health-related questions that you would like us to answer.

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Ayesha Billimoria

Ayesha Billimoria our Summer Fitness expert is a three-time national champion (2001–2003) in 200 metres. She has represented Maharashtra for 17 consecutive years, and has held several national and state titles, along with being named the ‘Fastest Girl in India’ in her teens.