Eye infection

गर्मियों में आंखों के इन्फेक्शन से बचने के 5 आसान तरीके

भले ही गर्मी सर चढ़कर बोल रही हो, लेकिन आप इसका असर अपनी डाइट, फिटनेस या मानसिक स्वास्थ्य पर न पड़ने दें. इसके बजाय, आगे बढ़कर भाग लें #HealthySummerWithActivLiving कैम्पेन में, और किसी भी परिस्थिति में एक स्वस्थ लाइफस्टाइल जीने का तरीका सीखें.

The summer temperatures are consistently above 40 degrees Celsius in many parts of the country. While we adjust our diet and fitness routines during the summer, we should also pay attention to our eye health. In summer, we see a rise in eye problems like allergic conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome and styes. While we are at home during the pandemic, it also leads to more time spent in front of screens like the TV, laptop or phone.

These ailments are caused by increase in heat as well as pollutants like dust, pollen or smoke. These can lead to symptoms like itching, redness and sticky mucus like discharge from the eye lids.

However, you can protect your eyes from the sun when you are outdoors by using UV protective sunglasses. Maintaining hand hygiene is especially important especially when you have itchy eyes and are likely to rub your eyes more.

It is also important to stay hydrated in the summer and wash your eyes with cold water from time to time. If you wear contact lenses, it is important to clean them regularly to avoid bacterial infections.

You can find more useful tips for Activ Living in the Summer on our blog.