How To Quit Smoking

Beat The Urge To Smoke With These Exercises For Smokers

धूम्रपान स्वास्थ्य के लिए हानिकारक है’. तिथि ‘विश्व तंबाकू निषेध दिवस’, take a look at a few exercises that can help you fight the urge to smoke. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

क्या है विश्व तंबाकू निषेध दिवस?

विश्व तंबाकू निषेध दिवस’ is celebrated on May 31 to spread awareness about the harmful effects of धूम्रपान. When an urge of using tobacco arises, it is important to remember that it is just a fleeting craving that can pass in about 10 minutes, only if you try to distract yourself with work, by exercising or by spending time with family.

Ill-effects of धूम्रपान

धूम्रपान has many ill-effects on the body. It can:

  • Increase the risk of mouth, skin, pancreatic, lung or cervical कैंसर
  • Cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Cause chronic bronchitis
  • बढ़ाएं ब्लड प्रेशर, weaken blood vessel walls and increase blood clots
  • Increase the risk of heart stroke
  • Cause hair loss and balding

धूम्रपान not only impacts you, but exposes the people around you to diseases such as अस्थमा and heart diseases. 

Ill-effects of smoking

How can exercise help fight the urge to smoke?                                                                                    Quitting cigarettes can be extremely difficult. Craving for a cigarette is the most common symptom of nicotine withdrawal. Your body’s physical reaction can cause a tightness in the throat or the stomach or can impact you psychologically triggering irritability, स्ट्रेस, चिंता और नींद deprivation. Exercising to quit smoking is a really helpful technique to distract you until that bout of craving passes. एक्सरसाइज़ can help you get in sync with your body and makes you aware of the improvements in your physical health after you quit धूम्रपान. It also releases endorphins which decreases stress and tension. वॉकिंग is a moderate activity that not only keeps you healthy, but can take your mind off धूम्रपान for some time. While walking, breathe from your diaphragm to get more air in and out of your lungs.                                 सांस लेना exercises to quit smoking can help expand the lung capacity, making them healthy. Try to control the rate of your inhaling and exhaling by practicing deep and controlled breathing with anulom-vilom pranayama – common in yoga. Sit in a comfortable position, hold one nostril closed while inhaling and the other nostril closed while exhaling to strengthen your फेफड़े. This process is then reversed and repeated.Breathing exercises Short periods of physical activity like aerobics releases sweat, increases the pace of your heartbeat and makes you breathe harder.                                                                                                                                                                               aerobicsयोग और मेडिटेशन has the ability to not only make you feel better, but also helps you retain your peace of mind.                                                                                                                                                                                                 YogaYou can also control the cravings by consuming sugarless gum or candy, chewing on raw carrots, nuts or sunflower seeds as they are crunchy and can satisfy the urge. The main challenge is to have willpower and to convince your mind against धूम्रपान. इस विश्व तंबाकू निषेध दिवस, try to quit धूम्रपान to maintain a healthy lifestyle! Stay healthy and earn up to 100% of premium as HealthReturnsTM को Activ Health – Platinum-Enhanced Plan, a comprehensive health insurance plan. #ABHIKaro. आदित्य बिरला हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस करो. इसके अलावा, यहां पाएं अधिक जानकारीः फिटनेस और पोषण, visit the Activ Living Blog.