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Wondering How To Tackle Vaccination Anxiety? Know From Dr. Siddharth Warrier

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आपका स्वागत है ऐक्टिव लिविंग पॉडकास्ट. This is a health and wellness podcast which focuses on our day-to-day health and wellness. In today’s episode we discuss the Covid-19 pandemic and the doubts or anxieties people have regarding the vaccine.  

Only 1.7% of the Indian population has been vaccinated so far, with many people worried about the side-effects or misinformation about the vaccine.  

Our special guest on the podcast is Dr. Siddharth Warrier, a neurologist and TEDx speaker. He explains the reasons behind the stress prevalent during the pandemic and how to overcome इस चिंता

Firstly, he addresses the neurological effects of Covid-19. He mentions that the virus causes blood clots which can affect brain function just like it affects other parts of the body. However, he also adds that we are better prepared to treat these effects now, because we know what to expect from the Covid-19 virus

He also helps you navigate the feeling of impending doom that has been a part of our lives for over a year. He explains why the ‘flight or fright’ response we are seeing everywhere is a part of the brain’s response to a threat that we cannot control by ourselves. Thus, leading to chronic stress or anxiety

While discussing the vaccine, he discusses the misinformation about the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine and the anxiety many people face regarding the vaccine. He explains how the brain can trick you into believing the vaccine is unsafe, even if the large majority of studies and statistics prove otherwise. 

Lastly, he explains that the scientists are also constantly researching and finding out new things about the virus and the vaccine. As a population, we are used to seeing their final result without ever finding out the research process. This adds to our worry that no one is really in charge, even though it is part of the process.  

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