Diet For Healthy Ageing_Activ Living Community

Anti-Aging Food Diet Tips For Healthy Aging By Clinical Nutritionist Shrutika Kelaskar

Aging is a natural process, and keeping yourself healthy as you age is essential. While eating nourishing foods is a must in all stages of life, it becomes crucial as you start aging. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate vital nutrients that can help the body function properly and improve the quality of your life. A balanced diet and regular physical exercise can go a long way in boosting your mental health and energy levels, increasing resistance to illnesses.

इनके बारे में जानें:

  • Benefits of eating anti-aging foods
  • How to create a healthy anti-aging diet plan?
  • Add these anti-aging foods to your diet

Benefits of eating anti-aging foods

The benefits of consuming anti-aging foods are plenty. Foods rich in antioxidants can combat free radicals that contribute to premature aging. Therefore, consuming such food can reduce anti-aging signs. Anti-aging foods comprise vitamins, ellagic acid, and collagen boosters that keep your skin youthful. With increasing age, the collagen in the middle layer of the skin, responsible for keeping skin plump, depletes. Foods with vitamin C can help the skin glow naturally.

How to create a healthy anti-aging diet plan? 

Here are some of the tips and guidelines that you can follow to create a healthy diet plan consisting of anti-aging foods:

  • As we age, loss of appetite is common, as caloric needs and sense of smell and taste decrease. So it is good to include some nutrient-dense food such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, beans and lentils, whole grains, lean protein and low-fat dairy. One must limit fried, processed and refined foods as they can increase your risk of severe health conditions, including diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, heart attacks and strokes.
  • Incorporate fiber-rich foods in every meal to avoid constipation and maintain a healthy digestive system. Soluble fiber is known to keep your cholesterol levels in check.
  • Stay hydrated. Consider drinking alternatives such as vegetable juices, soup, green tea, coconut water, and water-rich fruits such as watermelon and muskmelon.
  • Including whole grain foods, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and pasta, and brown rice, can help keep inflammation at bay. They also contain vitamin B compounds – riboflavin and thiamine, essential components for the skin.

Add these anti-aging foods to your diet

Here are some of the foods that have anti-aging properties and can be incorporated into your daily meals:

  • आमला (आंवला) Also known as Indian gooseberry, amlas are power-packed with vitamin C, which helps slow down the aging process. आमला (आंवला) helps reduce cell damage and protects the body from free radicals (oxidation).
  • Omega 3 – Omega 3 is a vital nutrient for optimal health and an essential fatty acid that the body cannot make alone. It is also necessary for immunity, brain and eye functions and inflammatory responses. Omega 3 foods include fatty fish (salmon), nuts and seeds such as walnuts and flaxseeds.
  • Avocado – Avocado is one of the best anti–aging fruits high in oleic acid, a substance that reduces inflammation. Avocado also contains vitamins K, C, E and A, which prevent the negative effects of aging by maintaining your skin health.0
  • Watermelon seeds – Watermelon seeds contain zinc, which slows down the aging process because of their ability to do protein synthesis, cell division and repair. It also has magnesium (140% daily requirements), copper, manganese and potassium, and these nutrients contribute to strengthening bones and mineral density.
  • Yogurt – Yogurt is rich in calcium, which helps manage osteoporosis, and contains good bacteria that help maintain gut health.

Anti-aging diet chart

Days of the week  Time of the day Food combination
Sunday नाश्ता  Chicken sandwich (4 slices of bread) + 1 cup skimmed milk
Mid-morning (1/2 cup) pomegranate
लंच Veg pulao rice (1.5 cups) + 1 cup soybean curry + (1/2 cup) low fat curd
Evening 1 cup black or green tea + 2 biscuits
डिनर Flatbreads + Ladyfingers (1/2 cup)
Monday  नाश्ता  Flatbreads+ 1 cup egg curry (2 eggs)
Mid-morning Almond milkshake with dark chocolate (1 glass)
लंच Flatbreads +(1/2 cup) salad + Salmon curry (180 grams fish)+ (1/2 cup) cabbage
Evening 1/2 cup kale + pecan salad
डिनर Tomato dish + Flatbreads (1/2 cup)
Tuesday नाश्ता  Rice dosa + Brussel sprouts (1/2 cup)
Mid-morning 1 glass blueberry milkshake
लंच (1/2 cup) rice+ kidney beans curry 1 cup + (1/2 cup) cucumber salad + Ladyfinger sabzi (1/2 cup)
Evening A cup of chicken bone soup 
डिनर Wheat dosa + 1 cup bitter guard sabzi
Wednesday नाश्ता  Moong dal + Tomato chutney + skimmed milk
Mid-morning 2 oranges
लंच Flatbreads + Grilled chicken (150 grams) + kale salad with olive oil
Evening Brown rice flakes poha with nuts
डिनर Wheat उपमा 1 cup + (1/2 cup) green beans dish
Thursday  नाश्ता  Mushroom Paratha + tomato chutney.
Mid-morning Yogurt with a cup of grilled vegetables 
लंच Rice + Flatbreads + Fish masala (180 grams)
Evening Avocado milkshake
डिनर Flatbreads + a cup of mixed veg curry
Friday नाश्ता  Idlis + sambar (1/2 cup) + green chutney + egg whites
Mid-morning A glass of walnut milkshake with dark chocolate 
लंच Cup of rice + Flatbreads + 1 cup soybean curry + (1/2 cup) low fat curd + Ladyfingers (1/2 cup).
Evening 1 cup skimmed green tea + 2 whole grain biscuits
डिनर Flatbreads with a cup of ridge gourd sabzi
Saturday नाश्ता  Paneer Paratha + green chutney
Mid-morning Pink grapefruit
लंच (1/5 cup) rice + chicken curry (150 grams)+ Spinach sabzi (1/2 cup) + (1/2 cup) low fat curd.
Evening 1 cup roasted beetroot cucumber salad
डिनर Wheat उपमा + (1/2 cup) green beans sabzi

Incorporate a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and collagen-boosting nutrients. Avoid processed, refined, and fried foods, alcohol, or raw meat. This diet will support your overall health, help slow down the process of aging, and maintain youthful energy.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in पोषण, फिटनेस, सचेतन, और लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी बीमारियां like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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श्रुतिका केलस्कर

श्रुतिका ने फूड, न्यूट्रिशन और डाइटेटिक्स में MSc की हैं. इन्होंने अपनी पढ़ाई निर्मला निकेतन कॉलेज, चर्चगेट में पूरी की. उन्हें अच्छे न्यूट्रिशन के मुख्य नियम, हेल्दी ईटिंग हैबिट्स के बारे में लोगों की काउंसलिंग करने और जीवन की गुणवत्ता में सुधार के लिए न्यूट्रिशन मॉनिटरिंग करने के क्षेत्र में 5 वर्षों का अनुभव है.