Prevent Monsoon Infections in Kids - Activ Living

बच्चों के लिए मानसून? डॉ. सुनील चौधरी बताएंगे मानसून में होने वाले इन्फेक्शन की रोकथाम करने के लिए 3 टिप्स

The monsoon season, brings rains and relief from the heat. However, it is also a favourable season for viral and bacterial infections to spread rapidly. These viral fevers और flu infections largely tend to affect kids. Here’s why kids are less immune to वायरल इन्फेक्शन and how you can take steps to protect their health. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

What are the common monsoon infections? 

The change in climate during the monsoon season increases the risk of a variety of water, food and mosquito borne diseases. For example, we see the rise of common monsoon diseases like dengue, malaria and chikungunya. 

The change in temperatures also makes your body susceptible to viral attack and bacterial infections which lead to cold and flu or, as it is commonly known as, वायरल फ़ीवर

Why are kids more prone to monsoon infections?

The change in climate affects people with compromised immune system. This largely include kids and senior citizens which leads to a higher risk of वायरल इन्फेक्शन. Therefore, this season requires you to take preventive measures to keep your child safe from infectious bacteria. 

Tips to prevent monsoon infections in kids

To improve your child’s immunity to वायरल इन्फेक्शन it is important to take the flu vaccination annually. If you are looking keep your child healthy in the rainy season, you will need to follow a few preventive measures like: 

  • Follow a healthy diet

Ensure your kid follows a diet which includes fresh fruits and vegetables, yogurt, oats and so on. Avoid junk food and oily food during this season. A healthy diet also involved eating clean and fresh food. It is important to wash fruits and vegetables with warm water to remove germs.  

  • Consume hot beverages

Drinking warm water at regular intervals throughout the day can help prevent throat problems. You can also feed your kid warm milk or other warm beverages like soup to help them fight cold and flu infections

  • Follow basic hygiene

Follow Basic Hygiene - Activ Living

Common viral infections in toddlers and kids can be prevented by regularly washing hands. Inculcate the habit of washing hands as soon as they are done playing with toys and before and after meals. Also, ask them to not touch their faces with dirty hands. Keep your floors and other surfaces clean especially with toddlers who might frequently put their fingers and toes in their mouth.

  • Take extra precautions outdoors

While it is important that your child spends time outdoors, they can also catch a disease or infection. When your child does go out to play, make sure that you apply mosquito repellent on their arms and legs and they can wear a long sleeve shirt and long pants. When they return home, ensure that they clean up with antiseptic soap and warm water. 

यहां कुछ ऐसे exercises that can boost immunity and improve your child’s health while being indoors. For more फिटनेस या पोषण related advise, visit the Activ Living Blog.

Dr. Sunil Choudhary

MBBS, MBA, he has 12 years of clinical and corporate experience. Running and Reading are his ways of Meditating. He prefers spending time with his kids and family than spending time on social media.