Homeopathy during pregnancy_1_Activ Living

Homeopathy for Pregnancy-Related Issues

Pregnancy is a journey of its own. A woman has to go through a series of changes in her body as well as mind. It is normal for most women to experience anxiety and some discomfort during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a beautiful experience in every woman’s life and these days many women opt for Homoeopathy in case they face any issue during pregnancy. This is because all mothers would like to experience a smooth pregnancy while abstaining from the use of medication that could be harmful for them and the baby. Such precautions related to medications are taken care of especially during the first trimester.

इनके बारे में जानें:

How can homeopathy be helpful during pregnancy?

As far as Homoeopathy is concerned, it offers little to no aggravation and you can easily rely on Homoeopathic medicines for a healthy and stress-free pregnancy. Homoeopathic medicines are well known to stimulate your immune system & heal it. If you have decided to go for Homoeopathic treatment then you must consult your Homoeopath at the earliest stage of pregnancy as your doctor will be able to treat you the right way from the very beginning and the chance of error will be less. At the same time, you can avoid the toxic effect of other medications that can harm you as well as your developing baby in the womb.

How does Homeopathy help during pregnancy_Activ Living

What are the pregnancy related issues a woman might face?

In this blog, you will acquaint yourself with the main pregnancy related issues that a woman may face from conceiving up to the delivery.

1 First trimester (1st 3 months): You may suffer from the following issues during the 1st trimester of your pregnancy:

  • Nausea & vomiting: This is commonly known as morning sickness and it is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. Homoeopathic remedies are selected on the basis of individualisation where the same condition has different timings, mental status, personality, modalities and concomitants associated with it.
  • Cystitis: It is common for ‘would be’ mothers to have increased frequency of urination due to weight of the pregnant uterus on the bladder. Along with frequency, few mothers also have to face UTI (urinary tract infection) which demands prior management. Homoeopathy has a wide range of medicines to cure this condition efficiently.

2 Second trimester (4th to 6th month): The growing weight of the baby exerts more pressure on neighbouring organs including the abdomen and diaphragm resulting in acidity, mild breathlessness & indigestion. Constipation is very common in pregnancy and in severe cases may end up in haemorrhoids. Such a situation can be easily tackled by Homoeopathy very well.

3 Third or last trimester (7th to 9th month): During this stage, mothers experience wide & loose pelvic bones. Like the 1st trimester, the bladder, rectal & leg pressure increases too much as the whole uterus drops down on the pelvis. The following symptoms are seen:

  • Varicosity: Varicose veins are observed to increase due to the weight of the womb on the lower part of the body including the legs. Some mothers may also suffer from haemorrhoids or varicosity in vulvae. Homoeopathy proves to be a boon in such cases and eases the later part of pregnancy.
  • Musculoskeletal pains: This also occurs due to heavy weight on joints. A physiotherapist can be consulted for such condition & simultaneously Homoeopathy will complement the case very well.

A mother can also experience some other severe issues such as fluid retention, hypertension, toxaemia, mal presentation of baby, and so on, are possible in the later stages of pregnancy. Such conditions require constant monitoring & prompt hospitalisation in emergency cases. Emotional disturbances such as mood swings, depression, anxiety, fear, etc. can make your pregnancy miserable. Yoga, meditation & Homoeopathy during pregnancy together can help you beat the stress and precede a healthy child birth.

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Credit: Welcome Cure