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Prevent Hair Fall in Monsoon With These Tips

Changes in climatic conditions and seasons often have an adverse impact on skin and hair. Although you take care of your body and skin, हेयर केयर is often neglected, leading to immense hair loss. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

हालांकि मानसून season provides relief from the scorching heat of गर्मी, the climate becomes increasingly humid impacting the quality of hair. This change in weather conditions disturbs the pH level of your hair, robbing it off moisture and causing hair fall. The common hair problems during the rainy season are oily and greasy hair and dandruff.  

How to minimize your hair loss in monsoon?

If you want your hair to remain luscious, smooth, and silky, then follow these tips to minimise your hair loss in the monsoon

  • Use an anti-dandruff shampoo after consulting your skin specialist. Each individual might have different requirements for scalp care. A skin specialist can help you find the right product to protect your hair and scalp. 

minimize your hair loss

  • Apply oil regularly. Massaging your scalp with warm coconut oil at least twice a week helps in blood circulation to your hair follicles. It also irons out frizzy hair and naturally conditions your scalp. 
  • Wash your hair after getting drenched in rain. Rainwater’s acidity, when trapped in your hair, pushes the sebaceous glands to secrete excessive sebum, that makes your hair greasy and oily. Use chemical-free shampoo and conditioner to prevent chemicals from getting deposited on your scalp. Using products that have a high level of sulphates resulting in a dry scalp and damages your hair. Also, do not comb your wet hair immediately as it causes hair fall. Either hand comb it to untangle your locks or use a wide-toothed comb.

Bottle shampoo and comb braid

  • While travelling during the मानसून season, always carry an umbrella, raincoat, or scarf to prevent your hair from getting wet. In case your air does get wet, let your hair loose and get air-dried naturally. Using hairdryers can leave a dry scalp.

Foods that keep your hair healthy

A balanced आहार is the key to overall goodness of life. Take a look at फूड्स that can make your hair healthy:

  • Protein-rich foods like eggs, dairy products, walnuts, and whole grains provide shine to your tresses. 
  • Using fenugreek seeds improves the insulin response and improves any hormonal issue like PCOD which might cause hair loss in monsoon
  • A pinch of nutmeg powder when added to milk can prevent hair loss in monsoon as it contains Vitamin B6, magnesium, and folic acid. 
  • Eggs play an important role in nourishing your hair. It is a source of protein and biotin, both of which are ideal for hair growth. Biotin is a vital ingredient in producing keratin that improves the overall quality of hair. 

Up your hair care game this rainy season. Know more about फिटनेस और पोषण on the Activ Living Blog. 

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Dr. Sunil Choudhary

MBBS, MBA, he has 12 years of clinical and corporate experience. Running and Reading are his ways of Meditating. He prefers spending time with his kids and family than spending time on social media.