Androgenetic Alopecia Activ Living

Best Way To Treat Androgenetic Alopecia In Women

Female pattern baldness and severe hair loss develops gradually in women. Androgenetic alopecia can be due to aging, hereditary causes or extreme changes in hormones. It may be patchy or diffused in its physical appearance present all over the scalp surface. A healthy person can lose up to 100 hairs from the scalp every day. If that number is drastically higher for you or there is a history of female pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia in your family then it might be time for you to pay your trichologist a visit. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

Common Causes Of Hair Loss in Women

While noticeable baldness in women can be severely distressing, it could also signify an underlying disease that needs clinical management. If left untreated or not diagnosed the damage could be irreparable. While natural products claim to provide some benefit and restore hair to its natural state, they fail to treat the underlying causes of androgenetic alopecia

Some common causes that causes that might cause hair loss are:

  • Hormone fluctuations as in case of Polycystic Ovarian Disorder or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
  • Pregnancy and Post Pregnancy hair loss in women due to hormonal changes. 
  • Poor Diet – a diet that is deficient in Protein and Iron.
  • Birth control pills when used over a prolonged period.

Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia भारत में

Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia in India Activ Living

Many women consider natural products like onion juice and Aloe Vera, while they may improve the scalp and hair health, however, androgenetic alopecia cannot be cured without the help of oral medications prescribed by a treating physician containing Minoxidil and Finesteride that are known improve the hair growth when taken over a prolonged period. Oral supplements that are available over the counter like Folli-hair provide the extra vitamins supply that is required to restore the hair to its original quality.  

In case of severe cases of baldness, surgical procedures are available in India that can help to improve the appearance of hair. 

  • हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट
  • Scalp reduction 
  • Scalp flaps

Female Pattern baldness and hair thinning can be corrected if prompt action is taken at the onset of the condition. Pay a visit to your dermatologist or Trichologist who will help you manage the condition in a well-planned medical way. Treatment options take a few weeks to a few months to show noteworthy improvement. While the condition may not be completely reversed, it can be controlled with the correct line of treatment and supplements.

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Dr. Harshita Kumar

Dr. Harshita Kumar, MBBS, MBA (HHM), she has 4 years of clinical and corporate experience.

She believes in a holistic approach of Treatment and advocates the same to her patients and their families.