Preparing for life post-lockdown_activ living

लॉकडाउन के बाद फिर से हेल्दी लाइफ की तैयारी कैसे शुरू करें

As more people get vaccinated, life is slowly but surely returning to normal after the long lockdown. Across the country, restaurants are opening and workplaces will soon be back in business. After such a long break, it can be difficult making your way back to normality. Read on to find out some tips that can help you out.

इनके बारे में जानें:

How to prepare for work after the lockdown?

Returning to life post lockdown_activ living

For many people the end of the lockdown and a return to offices might be welcome news. Many others might be settled in their routine of working from home. They might not be so keen to returning to work in an office at the earliest. Whichever category you fall in, you might need to keep a few important tips in mind:

  • Get into a sleep routine – Make a sleep cycle and follow it for at least a week before starting working from office. If you are used to taking short afternoon naps, starting a new sleep cycle will help you avoid tiredness when you return to office.
  • Plan and prepare your workday – This can help you prepare for any changes in your workplace. This includes Covid-19 safety procedures like social distancing or vaccine protocol.
  • Speak to your managers and colleagues about returning to work – This can help you cope with some of the anxiety associated with returning to work.
  • Don’t rush into it – You might not be able to return to your old ways of working for some time even if you are in office. Give yourself time to adjust.
  • Keep checking in with yourself – Take time to regularly check-in with yourself. This can help you understand how you are coping with your new working conditions.

General tips to help you cope with life after the lockdown

Apart these tips about returning to your office, you might also be worried about returning to life after the lockdown.

  1. Follow your sleep cycle

During the lockdown you might already have a set sleep schedule to your routine of working from home. With the restrictions easing you might have to adapt your daily routine again. Ensure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep daily.

  1. Plan your meals

During the lockdown many people have started relying more on homecooked food. If you too have followed a healthy eating pattern, don’t lose this healthy habit when the restrictions are lifted. You should try and continue eating home-cooked meals.

  1. पानी की कमी न होने दें

When you go out and start living a normal life again, it is important to stay hydrated throughout the day. Make sure you carry your own water and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

  1. Maintain the good habits

Learning a hobby post lockdown_activ living

The lockdown could have some positive aspects for you. If you learnt a new hobby or just enjoyed spending quality time with your family, you should try and find time during your day to continue these habits.

  1. Find time to exercise

Many people managed to follow a daily workout routine while you are working from home. If you are exercising regularly, then you should try and make time for exercise even after the lockdown.

Before you get back to normal life, you should first check the existing restrictions in your locality and stay updated on the news. In the meantime, you can find tips on how to deal with anxiety and depression while you are at home. For more fitness or nutrition related advice, visit Activ Living.

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