Heart health during the festive season_1_activ living

How To Keep Your Heart Healthy and Strong During The Festive Season?

We are in the middle of the festival season in India right now. With Diwali celebrations just around the corner, the houses and streets will soon be lit up and families will get together to prepare the best of sweets and snacks.

If you have an existing heart health condition, you might need some tips and precautions to help you celebrate these festivals in the right spirit.

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How the festival season can affect your heart health? 

Festivals can be tricky for people with heart health illnesses. Here are some of the common aspects of festivals in India that can be harmful to heart health.

  • उपवास 

Some of the festivals might include fasting in leading up to it. If you fast correctly, it can help you become healthier. However, if you are suffering from diabetes, it is not advisable to fast without consulting your doctor.

  • Unhealthy foods 

Diwali sweets_activ living

Sugar-based foods or fried snacks almost become unavoidable during festivals like Diwali. People with heart health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure might need to avoid or keep a check on foods high in sugar and salt content. You can still enjoy eating mithai and namkeen, however, you should control the portion size and balance them with healthy fruits and vegetables.

  • शराब

Drinking alcohol might be common practice among friends during Diwali. But with an existing heart condition, you should stay away from any alcoholic drinks. Even if you don’t have any heart health condition, it is advisable not to drink beyond a limit. It can lead to high blood pressure or a stroke.

  • Disrupted sleep cycle

Late night parties and loud celebrations are a part and parcel of festivals. This can end up disrupting your sleep cycle which in turn leads to a spike in blood pressure and inflammation. Getting good quality sleep is important to keep your heart healthy.

What heart health precautions should you take during festivals?

Now you know some of the risks that the festival season can pose to your heart health. You might want to know what precautions you should take during these next few weeks.

  1. Avoid high carbohydrate foods. This includes sweets and fried snacks and even daily foods like rice and rotis. So, you can enjoy eating sweets by reducing the amount of rice or rotis that you eat during the day.
  2. Have more salads, with either fruits or vegetables, before your meal. This will help you to avoid overeating high carbohydrate foods later in your meals
  3. Don’t forget to take your medication on time. Sometimes, you might get caught up with the rituals and celebrations, therefore it can be helpful to set a reminder.
  4. Staying hydrated is important because you can again get caught up in the festive mood. Drinking water and healthy drinks from time to time are necessary, especially in the October heat.
  5. It is better to not drink alcohol at all. However, if you still are going to drink, make sure that you do not drink on an empty stomach.

Health precautions for Diwali_activ living

  1. If you have any respiratory conditions like Asthma, you can talk to your neighbours about having a safe noise-free Diwali.
  2. Wear earplugs and close your windows if firecrackers are burst in your vicinity late at night. This will help you keep out the noise and air pollution while sleeping.
  3. If you are stepping out, don’t forget to wear your mask. It is still an important part of the COVID-19 safety protocol, and it can also stop you from breathing polluted air.

You can use our blood pressure calculator to keep track of your blood pressure during this festive season. It can help you understand whether your blood pressure is within a normal range or not. For more fitness or nutrition related advice, visit Activ Living.


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Dr. Saba Shaikh

A dietitian by profession, she has 6 years of working experience in various gyms, health clinics, and corporates. She believes in changing lives with correct diet and nutrition and spends her leisure time reading books and exploring new places.