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How To Get Better Sleep? Evening Walks Can Help You

Exercising regularly has numerous health benefits, including better sleep. However, recent studies have also indicated that the timing and intensity of your workout are also crucial to your sleep cycle. Experts recommend evening walks as an effective tool to get a good night’s sleep. Here’s how regular evening walks can help you sleep well.

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Benefits Of Walking

Walking is by far the most underrated and easiest form of exercise. In comparison to other physically demanding workout routines, it requires less preparation and offers equal benefits, if not more. Here are some of the benefits of walking on our health.

  • It helps keep weight in check
  • It improves joint and back pain
  • It boosts immune function
  • It controls sweet cravings
  • It improves heart health and blood circulation
  • It boosts mental health and relieves anxiety and depression

Ideal Time to Exercise

ideal time to exercise_activ living

In contrast to previous studies, researchers these days argue that engaging in moderate exercise in the evening does not have any negative effects on your sleep. However, one must not exercise close to bedtime, as any vigorous exercise before bedtime may cause sleep troubles. Thus, moderate workouts, like evening walks, are ideal for improving sleep quality.

Evening Walk Benefits for Sleep

Studies reveal that evening walks pose several benefits for sleep. Here’s how an evening walk can help you sleep better.

  • Improves Sleep Pattern

Experts suggest that regular evening walks can have a positive effect on your sleep, albeit a mild one. It helps to stabilize your body by keeping a consistent sleep schedule.

  • Improves Deep Sleep Time

Deep sleep is time is essential for physical recovery after exercise. Studies reveal that people who engage in evening walks have a three percent higher deep sleep time than people who do not engage in any physical activity.

  • Helps to Fall Asleep Quicker

Your body temperature increases when you exercise. Sleep is induced once it begins to drop again. Thus, moderate exercise, like an evening walk, can help you fall asleep faster.

Even though exercise has positive effects on your sleep, experts advise avoiding high-intensity workouts like skipping rope or cycling at least 90 minutes before bed. Strenuous physical activity before bedtime can lead to an increase in heart rate and raise body temperature, causing difficulty in sleep.

Walking helps to gain a good night’s sleep, providing you time for your workout well. For more tips on how to sleep well or fitness or nutrition-related information for a better standard of living,


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