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Resistance Bands Exercises to Eliminate Workout Boredom

Workouts at home have become popular during the lockdown. However, if you do the same workout every day it might not help every part of your body. Plus, you will eventually get bored of it. Read on to find out how a resistance band can improve every aspect of your workout.

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What are resistance bands?

Resistance bands are a piece of lightweight and versatile equipment that enables you to work out anywhere. It could be your home, gym or even garden. Moreover, they are an affordable accessory to add to your workout and don’t take up too much space, either. Unlike other exercise equipment, resistance bands can be used by people of all ages and genders for muscle strengthening.

A resistance band exercise will help you build strength by providing tension your muscles are working against. Simply put, the further the band is stretched, the higher the resistance for muscles to work against. 

This makes it an amazing tool for beginners as well as seasoned gym enthusiasts. So just like training in a gym with weights and machines, you can easily increase the resistance of your bands and challenge your muscles. Aside from strength gains, they improve muscle mobility, stability and flexibility. Plus, many studies suggest that resistance bands are ideal for rehabilitating injuries and helping athletes recover from knee injuries.  

Benefits of using a resistance band

Unlike other exercise equipment, resistance bands can be used by people of all ages and genders for muscle strengthening. Here are some of the benefits of exercising with resistance bands:

  • Train anywhere

You can take a resistance band anywhere as they are extremely portable. It can easily be stored in your backpack, purse, or suitcase, allowing you to work out anywhere at any time convenient for you.

  • Works for every muscle group

Resistance bands can be used in your warm-up and cool-down exercises to stretch your muscles. They can also be used in your workout to train small muscle groups such as the biceps and triceps.

  • Reduces risk of injury

Resistance bands can offer better muscle exercise than other weight training equipment. They also reduce the risk of injury by reducing the stress on your joints while exercising.

  • Adds variation to your workout

There are different types of resistance bands you can choose from. The thicker the band, the harder it will be to stretch it. By using different bands, you can change the intensity of your workouts. It is used in varied exercises for your leg and arm muscles, with horizontal and vertical movement providing variations in your workout routine.

5 resistance band exercises to try at home

Resistance band workouts are helpful for both, a beginner and a pro. It will only add to the health benefits of your exercises. Here are some resistance band exercises that you can try at home:

  1. Chest stretches

Resistance-band-chest-stretch_activ living communityThis exercise will help stretch muscles in your arms, back, and shoulders. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Hold two sides of the resistance band in your hands.
  • Lift your arms and point them straight ahead.
  • Stretch the resistance band out as wide as you can.
  • Return to your original position and repeat 15-20 times.
  1. Hip extensions

This lower-body exercise works on your hip, thigh, and calf muscles. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Tie the resistance band around both your ankles to form a loop.
  • Lift your left leg behind as high as possible while keeping it straight.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times with each leg.
  1. स्क्वैट

Resistance bands can make शामिल हैं जिसमें सांसों a much more effective exercise. Here’s how you can use them while doing squats:

  • Place the resistance band on the underside of your feet and hold both of its ends in your hands.
  • Lift your upper body while stretching the resistance band.
  • Return to a squat position slowly because this increases the stress on your arm muscles.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Note: You can also loop the resistance band around your thighs to work your leg muscles.

  1. पुश-अप्स

Push-ups are a common upper body exercise for your arms, chest, and shoulder muscles. Resistance bands can make it more effective. Here’s how:

  • Loop the resistance band around your back and hold its ends in your hands.
  • Get into the plank position to find out how much you can stretch the band.
  • Lower your body without touching the floor and lift again.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  1. Bench press

Need your upper body to be stronger but don’t have barbells? Let resistance bands help you. Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie faceup on a bench and anchor the resistance band on the bench legs.
  • Grab a handle in each hand and position your hands at shoulder height.
  • Move your arms straight over your chest for a full extension.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times.

How can resistance band exercises help you eliminate workout boredom?

When you use any new equipment, like a resistance band, you go out of your comfort zone, and that is a good thing. It brings variety to your training regiment, making it exciting and challenging. 

What’s more, a resistance band exercise enables you to take regular exercises in a new way. This new equipment in the mix can work your muscles in different ways. When exercising at home, you don’t need a whole gym when you have a resistance band to build and engage muscles in your entire body. 

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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