Healthy winter foods for your diet_1_activ living

अपने सर्दियों के भोजन में कौन से स्वस्थ्यवर्धक भारतीय खाद्य पदार्थ शामिल करें?

As the temperatures drop in the winter season, energy levels drop too. Since this is also the holiday season, we end up eating rich foods that can negatively affect our weight. Here are some of the important Indian foods for a winter diet.

इनके बारे में जानें:

6 Must-have winter foods in your diet

There are healthy Indian foods to help you stay warm in the winter season. Here are some winter foods that are ideal for your diet:

  1. Dry fruits and nuts

Dry fruits in winter_activ living

You can get natural warmth from dry fruits like apricots, dates, raisins, or dried figs (anjeer) along with nuts like cashews, almonds, and walnuts. They are rich in essential oils, vitamins, and minerals so you can add them to your morning breakfast or evening snack routine.

  1. अदरक

This is a root that increases heat in the body naturally. It also boosts blood circulation and digestion. You can eat ginger plain or add it to your morning tea. You can grate ginger and boil it in a cup of water with some honey.

  1. Whole grains and pulses

Whole grains like bajra, ragi, makai, and barley are important foods in a healthy winter diet. You can include these flours while making rotis. You can pair these rotis with moong dal and other legumes for a wholesome winter meal.

  1. Jaggery and honey

Honey is effective against cold and flu which are prevalent in the winter season. Whereas jaggery improves digestion while providing as much heat as you get from sugar. These sugar substitutes can be healthy winter options to sweeten your foods.

  1. मसाले

Pepper, cinnamon, turmeric, and saffron are just some of the examples of spices to add to your winter diet. Your body produces heat while digesting these spices. Eating spicy foods is also known to increase body heat and stay warm.

  1. घी

When consumed in small quantities, ghee can cut down bad fats and keep your body warm. One tablespoon or 18 grams of ghee is enough to help you stay warm through the day.

2 Healthy Indian recipes in winter

Winter foods in India can be different in every region. This includes popular dishes like sarson ka saag and makai roti, or undhiyo. Here is a soup and dessert recipe to keep you warm in the winter season:

  • Lemon and coriander soup

Lemon is a rich source of Vitamin C and can prevent cold or cough. Coriander is another great source of fibre, iron, and Vitamin K. You can add vegetables like cabbage, spinach, mushroom, or tofu. Top the soup with pepper to make it more effective against cold.

  • Gajar ka halwa

Gajar ka halwa in winter_activ living

Gajar ka halwa is a staple winter sweet dish in India. On a particularly cold winter day, this sweet dish is made with carrots, milk, and sugar. You can also garnish your halwa with dry fruits like almonds and cashews. Here’s a recipe for sugar-free gajar ka halwa. You can also replace the carrots with almonds or moong dal.

Here’s a detailed winter checklist to help you stay healthy with food and fitness habits. For more fitness or nutrition related advice, visit Activ Living.



वसुंधरा अरोड़ा

वसुंधरा अरोड़ा ने क्लीनिकल न्यूट्रीशन में M.Sc किया है और वे एक सर्टिफाइड डायबिटिक एजुकेटर हैं. उनके पास क्लीनिकल और कॉर्पोरेट क्षेत्र का 6 वर्षों का अनुभव है.

वे जीवन में संतुलन बनाने में विश्वास रखती हैं. वे अलग-अलग व्यंजनों की खोज करना पसंद करती हैं और स्वास्थ्य को समग्र रूप से बेहतर बनाने के लिए खाने की पारंपरिक आदतों को अपनाने में भी विश्वास रखती हैं.