Yoga wokout video_Activ living

Yoga Exercises to Relieve Stress

You might have started 2022 with some resolutions to follow a healthy lifestyle. However, it can be difficult to get started and keep up a healthy routine. Presenting #NoQuittingWithActivLiving, a specially curated 14-day health program that you can learn today and follow throughout the year.

Today’s Yoga workout by celebrity yoga trainer Rupal Sidhpura Faria, will help you achieve your health goals in the new year. It can help you cope with stress and anxiety while improving your breathing.

Which exercises does this include?

  • Cat and cow pose
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana
  • Malasana
  • Badha Konasana
  • Janusirsasana
  • Konasana variations
  • Bhastrika Pranayama

This yoga workout includes exercises that is good for your heart and lungs. It also stretches your entire body, which is why it is the ideal morning yoga routine before starting your day. If you are a beginner, you can try simpler versions of these yoga asanas or hold the pose for less time to avoid any risk of injury.

  1. Cat and cow pose

Ensure that you bend your spine and tuck your tailbone in when you arch your back upward. This yoga exercise can help boost immunity.

  1. Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Just like the cat and cow pose, this exercise is also good for your heart. It also helps stretch your hips and legs. Hold this pose for 5 breaths on each leg.

  1. Malasana

This is a squat where you push your back all the way down. However, if you have knee issues don’t hesitate to use support and bend your back as low as you are comfortable with.

  1. Badha Konasana

Also known as the butterfly pose, this yoga asana can help people who develop tight hips caused by sitting for too long. If you cannot keep your knees down, you can keep your knee higher.

  1. Janusirsasana

This exercise stimulates your kidney and liver by stretching your spine, spleen, liver, hamstring, and groin area. It can even help reduce mild depression and anxiety.

  1. Konasana Variations

This includes 4 stretching exercises which can help you burn belly fat and reduce your waistline. It also relieves back pain and is helpful for people suffering from sciatica.

  1. Bhastrika Pranayama

To finish this yoga workout, you can try this calming breathing exercise. It can help you relieve stress and anxiety by breathing in sync with arm movements.

Stay on track with your health goals. For more such daily healthy habits check out our #NoQuittingWithActivLiving section here.

रूपल सिद्धपुरा फरिया

रूपल सिद्धपुरा फरिया, रूपल योगस्थेनिक्स की संस्थापिका और मालकिन हैं साथ ही, वह एक मान्यताप्राप्त सेलिब्रिटी योगा प्रशिक्षक भी हैं.