Makhana Benefits_Activ Living Community

Munch Your Way To Good Health: How Makhana Can Benefit You?

Our busy schedules and hectic lifestyles have led us to consume a lot of unhealthy foods like burgers, fries, chips, sugary beverages etc. So, trying to stay healthy is not an option anymore; it should be a lifestyle choice. If you are trying to change your lifestyle and manage your weight by consuming healthy snacks, tap into the many health benefits of makhanas and snack away to glory.

Read on to explore the top makhana benefits.

These makhana benefits will change your mind about this snack. This blog provides insight into the benefits, nutritional value and recipes of makhana. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

What is makhana?

Makhana is known by many names, such as fox nuts, lotus seeds, or Euryale Ferox, derived from the gorgon plant or prickly water lily. These nuts are dried, and the husk or the outer brown shell is removed for it to become edible. Many roast these and eat them like snacks or add them to curries and stews.

Makhana nutrition values

To make the most of the benefits of makhana, let’s first understand the nutritional value of this versatile superfood packed with loads of nutrients. One of the reasons people consume it as a snack is because it is low in cholesterol, sodium, and fat content. In addition, it fills up your stomach and is a powerhouse of potassium, thiamin, and protein.

Nutritional value per 100g

100 grams of makhana has nearly 350 grams of calories and about 0.1 to 2 grams of fat. It also has around 10-18 grams of protein and nearly 65 to 75 grams of carbs. This is why makhana benefits outweigh any other nutritious snack, and people use them as savory snacks or add them to smoothies, just like any other nut or seed.

The health benefits of makhana you need to know

Makhana Snacks_Activ Living Community

Here are some healthy makhana benefits that will motivate you to include these fantastic nuts in your meals.

  • Good for weight management.
  • Can be consumed in summer and reduces the risk of heatstroke.
  • Helps in balancing the sodium levels in the body.
  • Fox nuts are good for your nervous system.
  • Full of fiber and facilitate healthy digestion.
  • Packed with healthy proteins and antioxidants.
  • Cultivate good liver and kidney health.
  • Help reduce blood pressure with its low amount of sodium and high amount of potassium.
  • Suitable for diabetes patients.
  • Easy and light to carry while traveling.
  • ग्लूटेन-फ्री.

Helps liver detox

One of the key makhana benefits is that it can help your liver detox and filter all the waste, and the antioxidants improve your metabolism and गट हेल्थ.

Improve kidney health

It also helps regulate urine by keeping our kidneys healthy and functioning. Healthy kidneys can eliminate waste and toxins and stop the formation of tiny stones.

Stabilizes blood sugar levels

Snacks full of carbs and sugar are not filling, and your blood sugar levels keep fluctuating. One of the most significant benefits of makhana is that it helps lower the glycemic index and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Rich in antioxidants

The antioxidants in makhana have anti-aging properties and keep the free radicals from initiating the oxidation process in your body. These antioxidants are also good for your skin and hair health.

Dense in vitamins and minerals

Makhana is a highly nutritious snack, rich in vitamins and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium. These essential minerals serve several bodily functions, such as enhancing muscle function, nerve signaling, regulating blood sugar and pressure levels, and maintaining bone and heart health. In addition, they are also rich in antioxidants, which protect you from the damage caused by free radicals.

Makhana and satiety: A snack that keeps you full

The high fiber content in मखाना slows digestion, helping you feel full longer. This can lead to low-calorie intake, as it decreases overeating and consuming unhealthy snacks. In addition, makhana has a very low GI, which helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and prevent sudden spikes. It also has almost no saturated fat, which makes it a healthier option for those who want to manage their weight. However, more research is needed to know how makhana impacts our weight.  

How to eat makhana?: Snack ideas

Makhana Recipes_Activ Living Community

You can easily make so many makhana-related snacks at home without using too many spices or preservatives. You can consume 2-3 handfuls of makhanas a day or add it to salads.

You can roast and grind them and use the powder in desserts, curries, tikkas and tikkis. Add it to your smoothies or make healthy breakfast bowls. They are an alternative to sago kheer/pudding. You can also use it in healthy and tasty chaat recipes as well.

Makhana benefits one and all. If you plan to start your fitness journey, including makhana in your diet would be an excellent idea.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes. Activ Living ke saath sahi sehat ki shuruaat ABHIkaro.

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