Dance Cardio Workout_1_activ living

Dance Even If You Have Two Left Feet. Experience The Benefits of Dance Cardio

This International Dance Day, start your fitness journey with your favorite kind of dance workout routine. Be it Bollywood, Zumba, Ballroom, or Hip-Hop, all these dance forms help us stay agile and nimble on our feet. If you are trying to maintain your weight, what better way to do it than dancing your way to achieving your fitness goals?

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Dance Cardio: Does it really work?

If you don’t like your usual walking, running and other cardio exercises then dancing can be a great way to jazz up your workout session. But let us first ask the following question – is dancing good exercise?
The answer is, yes. It helps you become more flexible, strengthens your muscles, makes your body swift and agile, and it gives you a spurt of energy too.

What is dance cardio?

Dance cardio is very much like any other cardiovascular exercise, it helps you burn calories, makes you sweat, and raises your heart rate. You can achieve these goals with the help of swift dance movements or a dance workout routine that lasts anything between 30 mins to an hour.

Zumba workout_activ living

Is dancing a good exercise?

Dancing is an amazing way of getting your daily dose of cardio because it helps keep you fit and is meant for people belonging to all kinds of ages. It is not just good for your joints and muscles but it keeps your heart and lungs healthy too. It improves your hand-eye coordination and builds endurance.

Dance workout ideas for International Dance Day

    • If you are planning to start your dancing workout lessons this International Dance Day, maybe start with a medium-intensity dance form like jazz, ballroom, or contemporary dance.
    • If you feel like you want to add some energy to your dance cardio then start with Zumba, Bollywood dance, or Hip-hop.
    • If you aren’t sure about these dance forms then maybe attend short courses or workshops to know which dance form suits you best.
    • Go with your friend, sibling, or partner to make it more interesting and feel more comfortable.

How many calories do you burn during a dance workout?

You can burn close to 300-400 calories during a 30-min dance workout session and depending on the intensity, you can burn more calories too.

Benefits of dance cardio_activ living

The benefits of dance cardio

Dancing is an amazing form of exercise and here are some amazing dance workout benefits that will motivate you to start your fitness journey:

  • It helps you exercise all your body parts, muscles, joints, and tendons
  • It makes your bones and muscles stronger
  • It can help you socialize with different people
  • It adds an element of fun to your workout
  • It increases stamina and reduces the risk for certain chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease

1 Helps in heart health

Studies have proved that dancing is good for your heart and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It also makes your heart strong and helps in relieving stress.

2 Aids in weight loss

People have been opting for cardio dancing for weight management because a lot of high-intensity dance forms help you burn calories without making the whole process monotonous or strenuous. It is much more interesting than walking or jogging and engages your mind and body.

3 Improves agility and flexibility

The stretching and warm-up exercises incorporated in the dance routines help your muscles and tendons to gradually become stronger and pliable. Dance forms like ballet or contemporary dance help you achieve great flexibility and agility.

So put on your dancing shoes and attend your first dance cardio workshop today.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.
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