Oats Benefits_Activ Living Community

From Heart Health To Weight Management: 5 Incredible Health Benefits Of Oats

Oats are often considered to be one of the healthiest grains, as they offer numerous health benefits. They are gluten-free and a great source of vitamins, micronutrients, and antioxidants.

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What are oats?

Benefits Of Oats_Activ Living Community

Oats, also known as Avena sativa, is a unique cereal crop known for its high fiber content and significant micronutrient content. Oats are mostly eaten for breakfast as oatmeal. It is usually made by boiling in water or milk. Oats are also fed to livestock in their natural state. With the increasing demand for oats worldwide, people have started using oats innovatively. Oats have been integrated into idlis, dosas, cookies, pies, and cakes. Including oats regularly in your diet helps manage weight and lowers ब्लड शुगर की मात्रा, which in turn is likely to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Nutritional information of oats (per 100 grams)

Oats are composed of diverse profiles of macro and micronutrients. Oats are a rich source of carbohydrates. Consuming 40 grams of oats provides around 152 calories kcals, 27 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of dietary fiber. In addition, eating oats benefits your nutrient levels, including zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus and iron.

Eating a bowl of oatmeal can provide your body with a daily requirement of protein, Vitamin E, good fatty acids, and fiber. It is also associated with a better diet quality compared to other breakfasts.

Can oats be considered a superfood?

Oats are among the best natural superfoods because of their rich nutrient content. Eating oats benefits your health as it provides a lot of vitamins and nutrients. In addition, oats are one of the rich sources of beta-glucans, a vital soluble fiber that aids in lowering cholesterol reabsorption.

The health benefits of oats

Oats effects_Activ Living CommunityYou can get reap some of the health benefits of oats by including them in your daily diet regularly.

Helps lower cholesterol

As discussed above, oats are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants. Oats also act as a filter and absorb cholesterol. This results in a stable LDL level. The soluble fiber present in it helps absorb the cholesterol from your blood, which, in turn, reduces it.

High in antioxidants

Oatmeal is rich in antioxidants and a plant compound known as polyphenols. This group of antioxidants, also called avenanthramides, help lower the levels of BP as it increases the production of nitric acid, resulting in better blood flow and dilating the blood vessels.

High fiber: Better digestion

The beta-glucan present in the soluble fiber can aid in smooth bowel movements and promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria. This can help if you want to manage the effects of IBS and intestinal problems.

Can reduce the risk of cancer

Oats are also a rich source of lignans. that can reduce the risk of prostate, breast, and ovarian cancer.

Aids in managing weight

Oats are known for filling up your tummy faster than non-fibrous breakfasts. They also release glucose slowly, making you feel full for a long time. However, consider choosing plain oats, as the pre-packaged ones are rich in sugar, which can hinder your weight management plans.

Oats for breakfast: Starting your day the healthy way

Starting your day with oats is a healthy way to get the essential nutrients. Here are three Indian recipes with oats that you can consume daily:

  • दलिया pongal: दलिया pongal is a delightful combination of rolled oats, moong dal, a sprinkle of spices, and curry leaves. Pair it with pickles to savour the flavours. You can add घी, ginger, and green chilis to make it tastier.
  • मसाला दलिया: मसाला oats can be made with onions, tomatoes, and peas, among other ingredients. You can also season it with a dash of lemon and coriander leaves.
  • दलिया Idli: Oats idlis feature a mix of oats, curd, semolina, herbs, and spices, resulting in light and fluffy idlis. These idlis can be savoured with coconut chutney या sambar, perfect for busy mornings or when you need a quick, nutritious snack.

Consider having oatmeal for your breakfast to reap all of the health benefits of oats.

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