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Congestive Heart Failure: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The human heart is the size of a fist but plays the most significant role in the body. Our heart pumps blood throughout the body through the circulatory system. This pumped blood provides oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and organs. Therefore, it is our responsibility to pay attention to its health.

World Heart Day is celebrated on the 29th of September to empower people to take care of their hearts and create awareness about heart health and disease prevention. This year’s theme is Use Heart, Know Heart. Because only when we know better, we can do better.

इनके बारे में जानें:

What is congestive heart failure?

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Congestive heart failure is a long-term condition where the heart is unable to perform its normal functions to meet the body’s needs. The blood accumulates in other parts of the body; however, blood often backs up and causes fluid retention in the legs and lungs leading to swelling in the legs and difficulty in breathing. This condition can be fatal if not treated as soon as detected.

Common symptoms of congestive heart failure

In the initial stages, the symptoms are not noticeable, but as the condition worsens, you will start experiencing gradual changes in the body. The symptoms of congestive heart failure are given below:

  • सीने में दर्द: This appears in the upper part of the body and may be a sign of a heart attack. This is one of the most serious heart failure symptoms.
  • वज़न बढ़ाना: Fluid retention in the body leads to weight gain, which causes your face, limbs, or stomach to swell.
  • Swelling in legs and abdomen: Fluid builds up in the body’s tissues, known as Edema. This causes swelling in some parts of the body, like feet, legs, ankles, and abdomen.

Causes of congestive heart failure

Causes of heart failure हैं:

  • कोरोनरी आर्टरी डिजीज: In this condition, the coronary arteries that supply blood to your heart are affected. Plaque build-up causes narrowing and blockage of the arteries, which restricts blood flow to-and-fro from your heart.
  • हाई ब्लड प्रेशर: When the ब्लड प्रेशर on your artery walls is too high, it damages your arteries over time and may lead to congestive heart failure.
  • हार्ट अटैक: A हार्ट अटैक is a condition in which a blockage in one or more arteries stops blood flow to the heart muscle. Due to a lack of blood flow, the affected muscles begin to die, leading to a heart attack. This is a life-threatening condition, so even a slight delay in treating it can lead to permanent heart failure or death.
  • Heart valve problems: Heart valve problems occur when one or more heart valves fail to maintain the one-directional flow of blood through the heart. In some cases, it can even become fatal if not treated.

Treatment options for congestive heart failure

Some lifestyle changes and medications are an integral part of heart failure treatment. However, treatment options vary for each patient depending on the type, stage, and cause of heart failure. As the condition becomes more severe, the treatment becomes more advanced. You can consult a medical professional or a seasoned cardiologist and take medications accordingly. 

Lifestyle changes for congestive heart failure

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Lifestyle changes play a key role in preventing congestive heart failure

  • Quit smoking and refrain from alcohol consumption. 
  • Maintain a heart-healthy diet rich in a variety of unprocessed foods, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and nuts. 
  • Avoid eating salty, sugary, and fried foods. 

Lifestyle conditions like obesity, diabetes, हाई ब्लड प्रेशर, या high cholesterol levels के सेवन से cardiovascular problems. Therefore, apart from maintaining a balanced diet, make sure you get 150 minutes of exercise per day to lead an active life. 

If you have any questions about treatment, lifestyle changes, or anything else, talk to a healthcare professional to take the necessary steps to improve your heart health.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in पोषण, फिटनेस, सचेतन, और लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी बीमारियां like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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