balance exercises_Activ Living Community

Top 3 Types Of Balance Exercises For Everyday Stability And Fitness

Our balance is our natural ability to remain steady on our feet without putting too much pressure on our postures or depending upon any external support. Postural strategies or balance exercises involve controlling the movements of your ankles, hips, and knees to counter disruptions in your body’s center of mass. 

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Understanding the importance of balance exercises

Effective balance exercises_Activ Living Community

Simple balance exercises are typically incorporated to improve overall mobility and health. They are especially important for older adults as practising them can help prevent sudden falls and accidents. While almost any activity that requires you to keep on your feet and move can help you enhance your mobility, incorporating certain balance exercises like Tai Chi and bicep curls can greatly improve your body’s stability and mobility. Try to perform these exercises at least twice weekly while wearing comfortable clothing and stay hydrated throughout your workout regime.  

Types of balance exercises

Here are the two main types of balance exercises:

Static balance exercises

Static balance exercises involve physical exercises that require you to stay in a single place without moving your feet. These exercises can help you be more stable while performing daily activities like washing dishes, making meals and getting dressed. Variables of static balance exercises include a hard surface to exercise on, with a variation of stances (wide, narrow or split) and motion of your head, arms or neck. You can also change the variables involved to challenge your body balance and improve it continuously.   

Dynamic balance exercises

Dynamic balance exercises involve any body movement that requires you to stand and move. Some examples of dynamic balance exercises include climbing stairs and stepping over obstacles. Variables for this type of exercise include both hard and soft exercise surfaces with forward, back and side stances with added challenges, including ramps, stairs, and carrying objects. Like static balance exercises, changing the variables can help improve your stability effectively.  

Benefits of regular balance training

Here are some of the benefits of regular balance training 

Effective balance exercises

Simple balance exercises_Activ Living Community

Here are some of the most effective balance exercises that you can try and incorporate into your daily routine:

Single leg stands

Standing on one leg is a common balance exercise. Here are the steps to do it:

  • चरण 1: Face the wall with your arms stretched and fingers touching the wall 
  • चरण 2: Lift your left leg and maintain your hips level. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds and place your feet back on the ground. 
  • चरण 3: Perform 3 such lifts on each side. 

Tai chi

Tai chi is a practise that involves a series of slow, gentle movements and physical postures, a meditative state of mind, and controlled breathing. Tai chi originated as an ancient martial art in China. Over the years, it has become more focused on health promotion and rehabilitation.

Tai Chi, a physical exercise involving slow, low-impactful and gentle body movements, can also aid in improving your overall body balance and stability. Doing this daily can also significantly lower the risk of sudden falls and accidents. 

Bicep curls for balance

Bicep curls is a balance exercise that involves weights. It also makes the exercises much more challenging and activates your core body muscles. Here are the steps to do it:

  • Step 1: Stand with your feet hip apart and spread your weight equally over your legs. 
  • Step 2: Hold a dumbbell with your palms facing up.
  • Step 3: Lift your right leg off the floor and bend it at your knees. 
  • Step 4: Hold this position for 30 seconds and return to the initial position.  

Adding balance exercises into your daily regimen can significantly enhance your stability and overall fitness. However, if you feel uneasy or uncomfortable while practising these exercises, stop and consult your doctor immediately.

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