Delay Check up_Activ Living Community

Why Routine Health Check-Ups Should Not Be Delayed

Consider this scenario- there is a reminder on your phone for a health checkup. You see it and think, “I’ll get it done later,” because you are either busy with something or the other. The excuses keep piling up, but that later date never comes. Regular health check-ups are the only way to stay ahead of life-threatening diseases and prevent complications. 

Everyone looks forward to adopting newer and healthier practises during the New Year. We present to you #BeAQuitter – a 15-day program till 19th January 2024, specially curated to help you create a healthier and happier new year for yourself. Learn from experienced मानसिक स्वास्थ्य, fitness, and nutrition experts how to quit unhealthy habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle in the new year. In this blog, Dr. Rajanshu Tiwari, consulting physician and diabetologist, tells you why you should get routine health check-ups.

इनके बारे में जानें:

Understanding the importance of health check-ups

Health Check-up_Activ Living CommunityBeing overambitious can often take a toll on our health. We ignore the basics of staying healthy, from what we eat to how much we sleep and how well we manage stress and exercise regularly. This makes us vulnerable to a host of chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases – many of which can be prevented with regular health check-ups. Regular health check-ups allow you to intervene on time and treat a disease before it affects other organs. 

Why health check-ups are vital

Regular health check-ups can prevent severe consequences of chronic diseases and help reverse illnesses, as in the case of prediabetes, where patients have recovered with regular check-ups and a healthier lifestyle.

The impact of delaying health check-ups

Routine Health Check-up_Activ Living CommunityDelaying health check-ups can make you highly vulnerable to severe health consequences and pose a threat to other organs in your body. We are all guilty when it comes to delaying health checkups. We prioritize other commitments over our well-being without realizing that health check-ups are vital in ensuring good health.

  • It mitigates or eliminates the chances of reversing your condition, which could have been avoided with a simple blood test. Subsequently, you end up incurring higher medical expenses.
  • It enables the progression of the diseases and worsens your condition.
  • It increases the risk of future complications. 
  • Your quality of life decreases due to unhealthiness. 
  • It prevents timely intervention and treatment or prevention of severe diseases. 
  • You lose out on necessary guidance for good health, which now comes complimentary with your health insurance services.

How to overcome procrastination in health check-ups?

You have been so caught up with your work, kids or social life that you have been avoiding regular health check-ups. The more you procrastinate, the more it might affect your health. You need to step up so your health doesn’t take the back seat anymore. Here are some simple ways to be more proactive about your health and get regular check-ups done:

Creating a routine for check-ups

Talk to your doctor and create a schedule around routine health check-ups. Set a prior notification for your health appointments and arrange your other commitments around it. Periodic check-ups let you monitor minor and significant changes that may occur within weeks to months. This prepares you for better management and prevention.

Understanding the consequences of delay

The lack of regular health check-ups is likely due to people’s need for understanding regarding regular monitoring. Delaying not only prevents you from intervening at the initial stages of a disease but also leads to many serious consequences that may even lead to fatality. Moreover, adults over a certain age must get regular shots for diseases like flu, pneumonia and shingles. Without vaccinations, these individuals can face threatening severe issues.

Understand the benefits of timely health check-ups

Health check-ups give you the upper hand in managing your lifestyle by making you aware of what is good and bad for your health. This helps you make wise decisions for your overall well-being.

Seeking support and accountability

An individual is fully accountable for their healthy life or deteriorating condition. Therefore, it is advisable to take matters into our own hands and proactively care for our health. Stay in touch with your physician every now and then for your health check-ups.  

So, are you ready to #BeAQuitter yet? Quit the unnecessary delays and step closer to your healthiest self. Aur apni koi unhealthy habit quit #ABHIkaro. 

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in पोषण, फिटनेस, सचेतन, और लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी बीमारियां like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes. Activ Living ke saath sahi sehat ki shuruaat ABHIkaro.

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