Kettlebell_Activ Living Community

Essential Kettlebell Exercises For A Healthier You

Kettlebell exercises engage multiple muscles simultaneously, providing an efficient workout of your upper body, lower body and core. Doing kettlebell exercises can enhance your muscle strength and promote your cardiovascular health.

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Introduction to kettlebell exercises

Kettlebell exercises_Activ Living Community

Kettlebells are highly adaptable tools, similar to dumbbells, offering a wide range of movements like pressing, pushing, pulling, lunging, squatting, and carrying. This versatility makes them excellent for enhancing full-body, upper-body, or lower-body strength.

Their design, featuring a round base and an attached handle, allows smoother movement. You can burn up to 400 calories in just 20 minutes of kettlebell exercises. Kettlebell workout routines are flexible and can be integrated into your regular work-out a few times weekly.

Benefits of kettlebell exercises

Here are some expected benefits of doing kettlebell exercises:

  • Enhances posterior chain strength: Kettlebell swings are effective for elevating heart rate and enhancing fat burning. These exercises also strengthen the posterior chain, which lies on your back. Since these muscles are among the largest in your body, they also contribute to fast calorie burning. 
  • Improves mobility: Kettlebell workouts bring about strength-building and cardiovascular improvement. Many kettlebell exercises involve rhythmic motions that increase your heart rate and provide a cardiovascular challenge. This fusion of strength training and cardio in a single session effectively boosts stamina and reduces the risk of heart complications. 

Getting started with kettlebell exercises

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Kettlebell exercises come in various weights and regimens. Here are some common weight options depending on your expertise:

Kettlebell weight for beginner’s routine

If you haven’t tried kettlebells yet, fitness professionals recommend:

  • Women should start with kettlebells weighing between 4 and 7.5 kilograms, and
  • Men should begin with kettlebells ranging from 7.5 to 12.5 kilograms.

Starting with less heavy kettlebells helps you master the proper technique for various kettlebell exercises. Once you are comfortable with the proper form, you can move on to heavier weights.  

Kettlebell weight for intermediate to advanced routine

If you think you are ready for more difficult kettlebell workout regimens, then:

  • Women can incorporate kettlebells that weigh around 9 kilograms, and
  • Men can do this exercise with 17.5-kilogram kettlebells 

Different types of kettlebell workouts

Here are some different types of kettlebell exercises that can be incorporated into your daily routine to enhance your overall strength:

Deadlifts: Deadlifts focus on your thighs and your back. They can be an excellent option for beginners as it does not require much effort. It works on several muscles, such as the back, glutes and quads. 


  • Position yourself with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Activate your core muscles and lower your shoulders while joining your shoulder blades.
  • Shift your hips back and bend to grasp the handles of the kettlebells.
  • Grasp the kettlebells firmly, ensuring your back is straight, and your feet are firmly planted on the floor.
  • Gradually get up and push your hips forward until you are standing upright.
  • Aim for 6 to 8 repetitions. Begin with one set and gradually increase to 5 to 6 sets.

Kettlebell push-ups: Maintaining straight wrists is important while doing this exercise. Stop immediately if you feel a strain in your arms or back or if your wrists struggle to support your body weight. This kettlebell exercise targets and strengthens your triceps, core muscles, shoulder and pecs. 


  • Arrange two kettlebells on the ground.
  • Position the kettlebell in a way that is ready for the push-up exercise. 
  • Maintain a straight back and a steady upper body as you lower your body.
  • Descend until your chest aligns with the kettlebells, then breathe out and return to the initial position.
  • Always be cautious not to curve your back. 
  • Perform this 6 to 8 times in a single set. 

While kettlebells can be challenging initially, proper kettlebell technique can help improve your overall strength and health. Kettlebells enable you to work on several muscles simultaneously, making it a total-body workout exercise. However, if you feel uncomfortable or get injured, visit a health expert to get back on your toes. 

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