Digestion In Summer_Activ Living Community

Do Summers Increase Digestive Problems?

You may be watching what you eat and keeping your gut happy, but the summers can spoil the fun quickly. Daily temperatures are hitting record highs, and your digestion is taking a hit. Dealing with heat exhaustion alone can severely affect digestion and create many problems.

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Summers And digestion

Summer heatwave_Activ Living Community

Although digestive issues during summer can be minor, early intervention can avoid complications like gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or ulcers. Rising heat and heat waves can severely impact gastrointestinal (GI) immunity and your ability to digest by affecting the GI tract’s bacterial composition. Dehydration and heat exhaustion can further adversely impact our digestive ability. People facing these issues must visit a doctor for precaution or treatment and follow particular food and lifestyle guidelines to deal with them. 

Common symptoms of digestive issues during summers

Digestive issues contain many symptoms that you need to keep an eye on. Symptoms of GI issues include:

  • भूख न लगना
  • Indigestion
  • जी मिचलाने की समस्या
  • थकान 
  • चक्कर आना
  • उल्टी
  • Headaches 
  • Pain or tightness in the chest
  • Acidity or heartburn
  • कब्ज
  • Abdominal pain

Additionally, you must be careful of food poisoning as bacteria thrive in the summer heat. If any of the above symptoms are accompanied by severe diarrhea or fever, then it’s best that you see a doctor. Moreover, avoid eating outside and consume lots of fruits and water. This can help you prevent food poisoning and severe illnesses like jaundice. 

How to prevent digestive issues during summers?

Hydrate in summer_Activ Living Community

Simple changes in your day-to-day life and eating habits can be highly beneficial in keeping your gut happy and continue to feel good.

  • Hydration is key

The body tries to cool itself internally and externally to deal with heat exhaustion, which depletes its fluid content. Thus, drinking up to 3 liters of fluids is a must. This includes plenty of water and nutritious options like aam panna, nimbu paani, lemonade and coconut water.

  • Eating frequently and in small portions

Large meals during summer can overwork the पाचन तंत्र. Instead of 2-3 large meals, go for smaller portions spread over 4-5 meals daily. This way, you can watch your calories and be easy on your digestive system.

  • Avoid fast food, alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods

Spicy, junk and fast food can be oily and increase your body temperature. This can cause bloating, abdominal distress, acidity or heartburn. Caffeine and alcohol can be taxing during summer as they dehydrate the body.

  • प्रोबायोटिक्स

Probiotics like curd, buttermilk and kombucha have gut-health-boosting properties. These gut-friendly bacteria help ease digestion by improving gut health.

You should also exercise regularly to maintain proper body function, including digestion. But ensure you do it when the temperature is conducive to avoid dehydration or other complications.

Simple steps to deal with gut problems in summer

Sometimes, you may not realize a problem in your gut, but that doesn’t mean you cannot deal with it. 

  • Include lots of fruits and vegetables to help your gut recover. These foods are easily digestible and high in antioxidants, which are kind to the gut and may help relieve discomfort.
  • Avoiding heavy, solid foods and replacing them with other options, like soups, can help the gut recover. Moreover, the more hydrated your gut is, the more your body will thank you.
  • Avoid over-the-counter painkillers, as they can be harsh on the gut, even if they temporarily relieve symptoms. If you need medicines for your problem, visit a doctor and get a proper medication that won’t damage your digestive ability.
  • You may take medicines like antacids if indigestion happens occasionally. If it persists, don’t be dependent on the antacids. See a doctor to deal with the root cause. 

Digestive issues in this rising heat are not uncommon and are usually minor. They can be easily managed if you eat healthy and are alert to any discomfort your body is facing. 

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