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Simple Tips To Manage Stress At Work: A Therapist’s Guide

Are you feeling overwhelmed at work? Juggling tight deadlines, heavy workload, or toxic workplace problems? Stress at work is common; that doesn’t mean you should suffer through it because chronic work stress can increase your risk of heart disease, sleep problems, burnout, anxiety and depression, and other serious health issues.

Here are some simple, science-backed tips from Reet Patel, a psychologist with Mpowerminds, an Aditya Birla Education Trust, to help you manage stress better so that you can feel calmer and more grounded at work. Let’s dive in.

इनके बारे में जानें:


Breathe_Activ Living Community

Yes, it’s that simple. When work feels chaotic, we often forget one of the most basic yet effective things—breathe.

Research has shown that deep, focused breathing exercises can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. Deep breathing can lower your cortisol levels aka the stress hormone and reduce your heart rate, making you feel calmer almost instantly.

And it’s quick and easy too, so you don’t have to take a lot of time out of your busy work schedule to do it. When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to pause and breathe mindfully.

Here’s a simple exercise you can try:

  • Inhale through your nose. Do it for 4 counts
  • As you do, let the air gradually expand your chest and abdomen
  • Pause briefly
  • Exhale gently through your mouth
  • Let go of the tension you might feel in your body
  • Focus on your breathing. Be mindful and let it calm your mind

So, next time you are struggling with stress at work due to a meeting or a looming deadline, just take a deep breath.

Take Breaks

Have you ever felt like powering through your tasks, without taking any thinking you will be more productive? Studies have shown that short, frequent breaks, even if it’s just for 5-10 minutes, can help prevent burnout, reduce stress, and improve your productivity.

  • Here’s how you can take relaxing breaks:
  • Do light stretches: Ease the tension from sitting at your desk for long periods.
  • Practise सचेतनपूर्ण मेडिटेशन: Focus on the present. It will help clear your mind.
  • Listen to music or a podcast: Choose something soothing or uplifting to lift your spirits.
  • Go for a short walk: Even a quick trip to the washroom, or the coffee machine can help.

From time to time, take a few moments to step back from work and recharge. You will return to work with a calmer, clearer mindset.

Move-Take a Walk

Physical activity, even in small doses, can help combat stress and reduce mental fatigue. Walking has been shown to reduce levels of cortisol and increase endorphins, which are natural mood elevators.

Getting up from your desk and moving your body even if it’s for 5 minutes can give you a quick break, offer a change of scenery, and help reset your mind. Walking outside in fresh air and sunshine can help you get in touch with nature, which has been found to have its own stress-reducing benefits.

Talk to someone

Work stress can often feel isolating, but you don’t have to deal with it alone, all by ourselves. Talk to someone—a colleague, friend, or family member— as it can help you release stress. It can help lighten your mental load. The best part? Hearing someone else’s perspective can even help you gain some clarity or reassurance.

Research suggests that social support plays a critical role in how we experience and cope with stress. So, don’t hesitate to reach out. Sometimes, just a short conversation can make you feel significantly lighter.

If you are struggling with chronic work stress, you should speak to a mental health professional. Therapy can help you get to the root of the problem and find health coping mechanisms so that you can better manage stress.

Practise self-compassion

Practise self-compassion_Activ Living Community

Being kind to yourself is one of the most underrated ways to manage stress. We are often hard on ourselves when we make mistakes or struggle to perform, especially in high-pressure work environments. But constantly criticizing yourself can increase your stress levels and drain your emotional energy.

Self-compassion means acknowledging your feelings without getting stuck in your head with negative thoughts. It requires you to recognize that everyone makes mistakes and to speak to yourself with the same patience and kindness you show to a close friend.

Here’s a simple self-compassion exercise you can try:

  • Are you stressed, anxious, frustrated? Notice how you are feeling in the moment.
  • Instead of ignoring them or criticizing yourself, acknowledge that they are valid.
  • Speak to yourself with kindness. Reassure yourself that it’s okay to feel stressed and you are doing the best you can.
  • Don’t try to control everything and be patient with yourself.

According to Dr. Kristin Neff, associate professor of educational psychology at University of Texas, Austin, and a pioneer in the study of self-compassion, practising self-kindness can significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and stress. By practising self-compassion, you can actually build resilience in the face of challenges.

Remember, it’s completely normal to feel stressed at work but what matters is how you respond to it. So the next time stress begins to build, take a moment to pause, and take these small, mindful actions to manage stress and protect your mental health.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more on पोषण, फिटनेस, सचेतन, और लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी बीमारियां like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes. Activ Living ke saath sahi sehat ki shuruat ABHI karo.

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