आदित्य बिरला हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड

आदित्य बिरला हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड

Comprehensive Health Insurance — How can it Save your Life?

  • प्रकाशन की तारीख: 28-09-2023
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Need for Comprehensive Health Insurance

COVID-19 brought with it shock, panic, and a general global upheaval that shook the very foundations of the world. It also highlighted the importance of health insurance and how it can change your life. 

When it comes to health insurance, it is always better to err on the side of caution and get comprehensive coverage. You don’t know what kind of medical emergency you might face in the future; it’s best to be prepared! 

This is where the brilliance of comprehensive health insurance comes in. Keep reading to learn more about comprehensive health insurance and how it can impact your life.

What is Comprehensive Health Insurance?

Comprehensive health insurance offers coverage for a wide range of medical expenses, including hospitalisation, medical tests, diagnostic tests, surgeries, and post-hospitalisation expenses.

The healthcare industry has been growing rapidly in the past few years. But healthcare costs are higher than they have ever been. Even if you go in for a simple X-ray, you might end up with a huge bill. Without health insurance, there is no telling how high your medical bills can reach!

Comprehensive health insurance is, therefore, a critical tool that can help individuals and families cope with the high cost of medical treatment and care.

Let’s take a look at the details of what comprehensive health insurance covers.

What does a Comprehensive Health Insurance Policy Cover?

Typically, a comprehensive health insurance policy provides coverage for a wide range of medical expenses, including the :

  1. In-patient hospitalisation: This covers the expenses incurred during hospitalisation, including room rent, nursing expenses, doctor's fees, and the cost of medicines and medical supplies.
  2. Pre and post-hospitalisation expenses: This covers any expenses incurred before and after hospitalisation, including consultation fees, diagnostic tests, and medication.
  3. Daycare procedures: This covers any kind of medical procedure where you don’t need to spend the night in the hospital. For example, cataract surgery, chemotherapy, and dialysis.
  4. Ambulance charges: This covers the cost of transportation from your house to the hospital.
  5. Alternative treatments: Some comprehensive health insurance policies also provide coverage for alternative treatments such as ayurveda and homoeopathy.
  6. Organ donor expenses: This covers the medical expenses incurred by the organ donor during the organ transplant procedure.
  7. Critical illness coverage: This covers the expenses incurred in the treatment of critical illnesses such as cancer, heart attack, and stroke.
  8. Personal accident coverage: This covers the expenses incurred in case of accidental death or disablement.

Apart from these, comprehensive health insurance policies may also provide coverage for dental treatments, maternity expenses, and international medical expenses.

If you want to know the exact coverage of your health insurance plan, please go through the policy document carefully.

For instance, the Aditya Birla Activ Assure Diamond Health Insurance Plan provides coverage for everything from in-patient hospitalisation expenses to organ donor expenses, from hospital room upgrades to domestic or international assistance services. It takes the meaning of the word “comprehensive” to a whole new level.

What are the Benefits of a Comprehensive Health Insurance Policy?

As you can imagine, the more coverage you get with health insurance, the better it is. Therefore, a comprehensive health insurance policy's benefits are much longer than a normal one.

Let’s find out how!

  1. Coverage for a wide range of medical expenses: Diseases don’t discriminate before coming to you. Well, neither does a comprehensive health insurance policy.
    It covers a wide range of medical expenses, including hospitalisation, surgery, diagnostic tests, medication, and more. This can help ensure you have access to the medical care you need without worrying about the cost.
  2. Protection against high medical costs: You must have heard horror stories of how COVID patients were hit with lakhs and lakhs of dues in medical payments. That’s one of the worst situations you can be in.
    Medical expenses can quickly add up, and a comprehensive health insurance policy can help protect you from the financial burden of high medical costs. You just have to pay a premium to the insurer, which is typically much lower than the total cost of medical care.
  3. Access to preventive care: Prevention is always better than cure. Many comprehensive health insurance policies include coverage for preventive care services, such as annual checkups, vaccinations, and screenings. These services can help you maintain good health and catch potential health issues early before they become more serious and expensive to treat.
  4. Peace of mind: Knowing that you and your family are protected against unexpected medical expenses can provide unparalleled peace of mind. This can help you focus on your health and well-being rather than worrying about how you will pay for medical care.

What should you know before buying a Comprehensive Health Insurance Policy?

There are numerous health insurance providers available in the market. You can choose from a range of varied offerings — both in terms of service and in terms of price. 

Of course, the process of selecting a health insurance provider is an innately personal one. No one can tell you what you require; you have to decide that for yourself. 

To help you make your decision, we’ve compiled a list of some key factors that you can consider:

  1. Coverage: Of course, when you’re buying the health insurance policy, you’re in the prime of health. You’d have to work your imagination to think about all the services you could require in the future. It’s best to cast a wide net.
    Look for coverage for a wide range of medical expenses such as hospitalisation, surgery, ambulance charges, and pre and post-hospitalisation expenses.
  2. Sum assured: Select a health insurance policy that offers a sufficient sum insured. Knowing how much health insurance coverage you will require can be hard. A good rule of thumb is to opt for at least 5-10 times your annual income.
  3. Premium: Consider the policy's premium amount and ensure that it fits within your budget. The amount should not be something you will struggle to pay; that would defeat the purpose. 


Comprehensive health insurance is like a warm fuzzy blanket that protects you against the cold. You should consider getting it for yourself and your family. Check out the different plans from Aditya Birla Health Insurance (ABHI) to get started.

  1. https://www.adityabirlacapital.com/healthinsurance/activ-assure-diamond
  2. https://www.adityabirlacapital.com/healthinsurance/super-health-topup
  3. https://www.adityabirlacapital.com/healthinsurance/active-health-enhanced-insurance
  4. https://www.adityabirlacapital.com/healthinsurance/activ-fit

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