Retirement Plans

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Retirement And Pension Policy

Apart from providing for our family, most of us are working super hard, sacrificing our today for the freedom of retiring as early as possible.

Independent. Peaceful. Comfortable. These are the words we all think of, when we visualise our retirement. But how do you plan and execute an optimal financial plan to ensure your golden years are really golden? How do you plan for a comfortable retirement - within your current resources and income, while also planning for financial goals for your family - like education, marriage and more.

This is where retirement plans come in.

What Are Retirement and Pension Plans?

Retirement and pension plans are essentially your financial security blankets for the golden years of your life. Retiremnt plans allow you to save and invest a part of your income during your working years, so that you can still enjoy a stable and comfortable lifestyle without worrying about your finances.

Think of retirement plans as your source of income in the retirement phase, ensuring you continue to live with dignity and independence, pursuing hobbies or passions you've always dreamed about.

How do retirement plans work?

Retirement plans are designed to help individuals save and invest money for their future retirement. They work by allowing you to contribute a portion of your income into a dedicated account, which is then invested in various financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. The goal is to grow your savings over time so that you have a substantial fund to rely on during your retirement years. Here's a general overview of how retirement plans work:

  • Contribution: You contribute a certain percentage of your income or a fixed amount to the retirement plan. This can be done monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on the plan's terms.
  • Investment: The contributions are invested in a diversified portfolio of assets. The investment options are typically managed by financial professionals and can range from conservative to aggressive, depending on your risk tolerance and retirement goals.
  • Tax Benefits*: Many retirement plans offer tax advantages. For example, contributions to a traditional NPS account or PPF may be tax-deductible, and the earnings grow tax-deferred until withdrawal.
  • Compounding: Over time, the money in your retirement account earns interest or investment returns. This growth is compounded, meaning that the returns themselves earn returns, leading to exponential growth of your savings.
  • Vesting: Some employer-sponsored retirement plans have vesting schedules, which means you gain full ownership of employer contributions after a certain period of employment.
  • Withdrawals: Upon reaching retirement age, you can start withdrawing funds from your retirement account. The age at which you can make penalty-free withdrawals varies by plan, typically around 59½ to 65 years.

    By consistently contributing to a retirement plan and taking advantage of compounding interest and tax benefits, you can build a substantial nest egg to support your lifestyle in retirement.

    Let’s understand this better with the help of an example:

    Meet Shivani, a 32-year-old graphic designer from Pune, who decided to take charge of her retirement planning early. Understanding the importance of starting young, Shivani bought a retirement plan with a goal of retiring by 60. She opts for a plan where she contributes a fixed amount monthly, benefiting from the lower premiums due to her young age and the long-term growth potential of her investment.

Shivani’s Plan

  • Monthly Contribution: She decides to invest ₹5,000 monthly.
  • Investment Period: Her plan spans 28 years, giving her ample time to build a substantial retirement corpus.
  • Growth: Her contributions are invested in a mix of equity and debt, balancing risk and offering the potential for higher returns over time.
  • Payout: At retirement, Shivani can choose to receive a lump sum, a monthly pension, or a combination of both, depending on her needs and lifestyle preferences.


By the time Shivani retires, her consistent contributions have grown significantly, thanks to the power of compounding and strategic investments. She’s not only secured her own future, allowing her to retire comfortably and pursue her passion for travel and art, but she’s also ensured that she won’t be a financial burden on her family.

Shivani's example shows us that with a little foresight and regular contributions, securing a financially stable retirement is achievable. Starting early gives you a longer runway to build your nest egg, leveraging time and compounding to your advantage. Remember, it’s never too early or too late to start planning for retirement, but the sooner you begin, the smoother your journey to retirement will be.

Our Pension Plans
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Why Should You Plan for Retirement Today?

Starting your retirement planning early can be one of the best decisions you'll ever make. Here's why

Importance of Pension Plan
Achieve Financial Independence
Financial dependence can be tough. Planning retirement ensures you remain financially self-sufficient and don’t need to rely on others for financial support.
Importance of Pension Plan
Ensure a Comfortable Lifestyle
You’ve worked hard all your life. Retirement is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labour without financial stress.
Importance of Pension Plan
Combat Inflation
The cost of living will only go up. Planning now means you’re preparing to meet those future costs head-on.
Importance of Pension Plan
Compound Interest Magic
The earlier you start, the more your money grows thanks to the power of compound interest. Small savings can turn into a large sum over time.
Importance of Pension Plan
Medical Emergencies
As we age, healthcare becomes a priority. A robust retirement plan covers medical expenses, keeping your savings intact.
Importance of Pension Plan
Leave a Legacy
It’s not just about you. Proper planning means you can leave behind a financial legacy for your loved ones, contributing to their future well-being.

Types of Retirement & Pension Plans in India

Let's break down the various types of retirement and pension plans available in India into a simple table to help you understand your options:

Type of Plan Description Suitable For
Deferred Annuity You pay premiums for a specified period, and the pension starts after a certain age. You have the option to make a lump sum payment or regular payments. Individuals who are still working and want to build a corpus for retirement over time.
Immediate Annuity You make a lump sum investment, and the pension starts immediately after the investment is made. There are various options for payout frequency. Individuals who have a lump sum available and wish to start receiving pensions immediately, such as retirees.
National Pension System (NPS) A government-sponsored pension scheme that allows you to invest in equity and debt markets, with the option to withdraw a part of the corpus as a lump sum at retirement and the rest as a pension. Individuals looking for a mix of low-cost, tax-efficient, and flexible retirement savings.
Unit Linked Pension Plans (ULPPs) These plans invest a part of the premium in the stock market. The returns are subject to market risks but have the potential for higher growth. Individuals looking for market-linked growth for their retirement corpus along with tax benefits*.
Guaranteed# Return Plans These plans offer a guaranteed# return on the investment after a certain period, which is specified at the time of policy purchase. Individuals looking for safe and guaranteed# returns on their retirement savings.
Pension Funds These are specialized investment funds that allocate contributions to various securities for long-term growth, managed by professional fund managers. Individuals looking for diversified investments managed by professionals to accumulate retirement savings.

How much should you contribute to your retirement?

Calculating your retirement contribution depends on several factors: your current age, the age at which you plan to retire, your expected retirement lifestyle, and the returns on your investments. Here’s a simplified approach to get you started:

  • Step 1: Estimate your annual expenses during retirement, adjusting for inflation.
  • Step 2: Deduct any guaranteed# income you expect to have (like a pension).
  • Step 3: Calculate the total corpus needed for retirement.
  • Step 4: Determine how much you need to save each month to reach that corpus, considering the expected rate of return.


Let's say Neha, 30, wants to retire at 60 with a retirement period of 25 years. She expects her annual expenses to be around ₹6 lakhs in today's terms. Assuming an inflation rate of 6%, her expenses at retirement would be approximately ₹28.8 lakhs annually.

To maintain her lifestyle for 25 years, she would need a corpus of about ₹4.32 crores, assuming a post-retirement return of 7% and inflation of 6%.

Using a retirement calculator, Neha calculates she needs to save about ₹15,000 per month for the next 30 years, assuming an average annual return of 10% on her investments.

Parameter Value
Age of Neha 30 years
Retirement Age 60 years
Retirement Period 25 years
Annual Expenses (Today's Terms) ₹6 lakhs
Inflation Rate 6%
Annual Expenses at Retirement ₹28.8 lakhs
Required Retirement Corpus ₹4.32 crores
Post-Retirement Return 7%
Monthly Savings Required ₹15,000
Investment Return 10% (average annual)

Benefits of Retirement & Pension Plans

Investing in retirement and pension plans comes with several advantages:

  • Financial Security: Ensures a steady income post-retirement, allowing you to maintain your lifestyle without dependency.
  • Tax Benefits*: Contributions to certain retirement plans are eligible for tax deductions under sections 80C, 80CCC, and 80CCD of the Income Tax Act.
  • Compounding Growth: The power of compounding over a long period can significantly increase your retirement corpus.
  • Inflation Protection: Investing in plans that offer returns higher than the inflation rate can protect your purchasing power in retirement.
  • Customizable: Many plans offer the flexibility to choose your investment options, contribution levels, and payout methods.
  • Legacy Planning: Some plans allow you to nominate beneficiaries, ensuring your loved ones are financially taken care of in your absence.
    By carefully selecting the right retirement plan and contributing diligently, you can secure your golden years and enjoy peace of mind knowing you’re well-prepared for the future.

6 Steps to Find the Best Retirement & Pension Plans in India

Finding the right retirement and pension plan can seem daunting, but breaking it down into manageable steps can help. Here’s how you can approach this important decision

Importance of Pension Plan
Assess Your Needs
Consider your current age, expected retirement age, lifestyle goals, and financial obligations. Understanding your needs will help you determine the kind of plan that suits you best.
Importance of Pension Plan
Research Available Plans
Look into different types of retirement plans available in the market, such as deferred annuity, immediate annuity, National Pension System (NPS), Unit Linked Pension Plans (ULPPs), and more. Each has its own benefits and limitations.
Importance of Pension Plan
Compare Features and Benefits
Evaluate plans based on their features, benefits, flexibility, and the investment options they offer. Consider the plan's growth potential, risks, and how it aligns with your risk appetite.
Importance of Pension Plan
Check the Insurer's Reputation
Research the financial stability, claim settlement ratio, and customer service record of the insurance companies offering these plans. A reliable insurer can make a big difference in the long run.
Importance of Pension Plan
Read Reviews and Get Advice
Look for reviews from existing customers and seek advice from financial advisors or retirement planning experts. Personal experiences and professional guidance can provide valuable insights.
Importance of Pension Plan
Understand the Terms and Conditions
Carefully read the policy documents to understand the terms, conditions, and any exclusions or charges that may apply. Knowing these details upfront can prevent surprises later on.

Why Should You Use a Retirement Calculator?

A retirement calculator can be a powerful tool in planning for your golden years. Here’s why you should use one

Importance of Pension Plan
Estimate Required Savings
It helps you estimate how much you need to save to meet your retirement goals
Importance of Pension Plan
Account for Inflation
Calculators can adjust for inflation, giving you a realistic picture of future financial needs
Importance of Pension Plan
Plan Contributions
You can figure out how much you need to contribute monthly or annually to reach your desired retirement corpus.
Importance of Pension Plan
Impact of Returns
Allows you to see how different rates of return can affect your savings and the final corpus.
Importance of Pension Plan
Adjust Retirement Age
Experiment with different retirement ages to see how extending or reducing your working years affects your savings.

How to buy ABSLI Retirement Plans?

Purchasing a retirement plan from Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance (ABSLI) is straightforward. Follow these steps to secure your future:

  • Explore Options: Visit the ABSLI website to explore the various retirement plans offered. Each plan has unique features tailored to different needs.
  • Contact ABSLI: Reach out through the website, via phone, or by visiting a local branch. An ABSLI advisor can help you understand which plan best fits your needs based on your financial goals and circumstances.
  • Provide Necessary Information: You’ll need to provide personal information, financial details, and your goals for retirement planning. Be prepared with documents related to your identity, address, income, and any other required information.
  • Choose a Plan: Based on the advisor's recommendations and your own research, choose the retirement plan that best suits your needs.
  • Complete the Application: Fill out the application form, either online or in paper format, and submit it along with the required documents.
  • Make the Payment: Pay the initial premium through the available payment options. You can choose from various payment modes like online transfer, cheque, or others as provided by ABSLI.
    By taking these steps, you can ensure a smoother transition into your retirement years with a plan that’s tailored to your needs, offering peace of mind and financial security.

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Retirement Plan FAQs

Once you retire and start receiving pension income, making changes to your retirement plan may be limited. However, some plans may offer flexibility in adjusting the frequency or amount of pension payments. It's important to review your plan's terms and conditions and discuss any desired changes with your plan provider or financial advisor.
The tax implications of receiving pension income from a retirement plan vary depending on the country's tax laws and the specifics of the plan. In many cases, pension income is taxable as ordinary income at your applicable tax rate. Some plans may offer tax-free or partially tax-free distributions. It's important to consult with a tax advisor to understand the tax treatment of your pension income.
To determine your retirement income needs, consider factors such as your expected lifestyle, inflation rate, healthcare costs, and life expectancy. A general rule of thumb is to aim for a retirement income that is 70-80% of your pre-retirement annual income. Using retirement calculators or consulting with a financial advisor can help you estimate a more precise figure based on your individual circumstances.
You can surrender your ABSLI retirement plan by submitting a surrender request form along with the required documents to the insurer. The surrender value and any applicable charges will be calculated based on the policy terms and conditions.
You can nominate or change the nominee in your ABSLI retirement plan by filling out the nomination form and submitting it to the insurer. It's important to keep the nomination details updated to ensure a smooth transfer of benefits in case of any eventuality.
The free-look period is a specified duration, usually 15 to 30 days, during which you can review the terms and conditions of your ABSLI retirement plan after receiving the policy document. If you're not satisfied, you can return the policy for a refund of the premium paid, subject to certain deductions.
Some ABSLI retirement plans may allow you to avail loan against the policy, subject to the terms and conditions of the plan. The loan amount and interest rate are usually specified in the policy document.
ABSLI retirement plans typically offer various annuity options, such as life annuity, joint life annuity, annuity with return of purchase price, and guaranteed period annuity, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs.
The annuity rate in ABSLI retirement plans is determined based on several factors, including the age at which you start receiving the annuity, the type of annuity option chosen, and prevailing economic conditions. The rate is fixed at the time of purchasing the annuity.
Transferring an existing retirement plan to ABSLI may be possible, depending on the terms of your current plan and ABSLI's policy acceptance criteria. It's advisable to consult with an ABSLI advisor to understand the process and implications.
Vesting age is the age at which you start receiving the pension or annuity from your retirement plan. In ABSLI retirement plans, the vesting age is typically specified in the policy document and can vary depending on the plan you choose.
Yes, in some ABSLI retirement plans, you may have the option to increase your premium or contribution amount, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. This can help you build a larger retirement corpus.
Upon reaching retirement, you can choose to receive your pension or annuity as per the options available in your plan, such as a lump sum, regular monthly payments, or a combination of both. You'll need to submit the required documents and choose your preferred payout option to start receiving the pension.
For unit-linked retirement plans, ABSLI may allow you to switch between different fund options or change your fund allocation to align with your changing risk appetite and investment strategy over time.
ABSLI provides regular statements and online access to your policy account, allowing you to monitor the performance, check the fund value, and view transaction history of your retirement plan.
In the event of the policyholder's death before retirement, the nominee or beneficiary will typically receive the death benefit as specified in the policy. This benefit can be in the form of a lump sum, an annuity, or a combination of both, depending on the plan's terms.
Some ABSLI retirement plans may allow partial withdrawals under certain conditions, such as financial emergencies or specific life events. However, it's important to check the specific terms and conditions of your plan.
If you stop paying premiums, your policy may lapse or enter a grace period, depending on the plan's terms. It's essentially a financial product designed to help individuals save and invest for their retirement years. It provides a regular income stream or lump sum amount after retirement, ensuring financial security and independence in the later stages of life.
Yes, ABSLI's ULPP pension plans typically offer the flexibility to switch between different fund options, allowing you to adjust your investment strategy based on market conditions and your risk profile.
The investment amount depends on factors like your current age, desired retirement age, expected retirement expenses, and other financial commitments. Use ABSLI's retirement calculators or consult with an advisor to determine an appropriate investment amount.
The aim of a retirement plan is to make you financially independent in your golden years. With increasing life expectancy and rising living costs, having a retirement/pension plan is crucial to maintain your standard of living post-retirement without being financially dependent on anyone. It provides financial security, helps manage inflation, and covers medical expenses in old age.
Contributions to ABSLI retirement/pension plans are generally eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. The pension income received may also enjoy tax benefits as per prevailing tax laws.
Withdrawal rules vary depending on the plan. Some plans may allow partial withdrawals under certain conditions, while others may have restrictions or penalties for early withdrawal. It's important to review the specific terms of your plan.
Consider factors like your retirement age, financial goals, risk appetite, and investment horizon. Consult with an ABSLI advisor to understand the features and benefits of different plans and choose one that aligns with your retirement objectives.
ABSLI offers various retirement/pension plans, including traditional pension plans, unit-linked pension plans (ULPPs), and immediate and deferred annuity plans, each designed to cater to different retirement needs and financial goals.
A retirement/pension plan is a financial instrument to help individuals save and invest money during their working years to secure a steady income during their retirement period. These plans aim to ensure financial independence and a comfortable lifestyle in your golden years.

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  • Disclaimer

    For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read sales brochure before concluding the sale.
    * Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. Kindly consult your financial advisor for more detail.
    # Provided all due premiums are paid.
    ~ Loyalty Addition added at the end of the Policy Term to further boost your retirement corpus, provided all due premiums paid.
    ¹ Annuitant -Health Male: Age 45 years invests in ABSLI Guaranteed Annuity Plus | Annuity Option: Deferred Life Annuity with Return of Premium | Premium payment term – Limited pay (5 years) | Purchase Price: Rs. 1,00,000/ month excluding modal loading for 5 years | Deferment period: 5 years Annuity Pay-out Frequency: Annual | Single life. Get Rs 4,58,800/- (Exclusive of taxes) every year till annuitant is alive
    ² ABSLI Saral Pension Plan, Healthy male 40 years, Single Pay: Premium Paying Term, Annual Payout Frequency: Annual, Policy Term: Whole Life, Single Purchase Price Rs.2,50,000/-, You get annual annuity of Rs.13,809/-.
    ³ ABSLI Nishchit Pension Plan, Policy holder, aged 35 years, works in ABC Ltd invests Rs. 500,000 (excluding GST) in ABSLI Nishchit Pension Plan (Rs. 1,00,000 annually for 5 years). He chooses Vesting Age - 60 years, Policy Term - 25 years, Premium Paying Term - 5 years, Premium Payment Mode: Annual An extra premium may be charged as per our then existing underwriting guidelines for substandard lives, smokers or people having hazardous occupations etc.
    ABSLI Saral Pension Plan is a Non-Linked Non-Participating Single Premium Individual Immediate Annuity Plan (UIN: 109N130V01).
    ABSLI Guaranteed Annuity Plus Plan is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating, General Annuity Plan (UIN: 109N132V10).
    ABSLI Nishchit Pension Plan is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating Individual Pension Plan (UIN : 109N151V02)