ABSLI Saral Jeevan Bima

Get ₹25 lakh life cover @ just ₹2,490/month3
What is ABSLI Saral Jeevan Bima?
Benefits of ABSLI Saral Jeevan Bima
ABSLI Saral Jeevan Bima is a plan that assures the financial security of the family in absence of the life insured. It helps the family to maintain the lifestyle in case of your absence.

Get More Safety With Rider Cover
Riders enhance the scope of base policy at nominal additional cost. Please refer to the rider brochure for a detailed understanding.

How does ABSLI Saral Jeevan Bima work?
Learn with an example.

Want to build financial security for your family?
- Entry Age (age last birthday)
18 to 65 years of age - Maximum Maturity Age (age last birthday)
70 years - Minimum Premium
Annual: Rs. 5,895
Semi-Annual: Rs. 2977
Monthly: Rs. 508 - Maximum Premium
No Limit, subject to board approved underwriting policy - Premium Paying Term
Single Pay;
Limited Pay - 5 and 10 years;
Regular Pay - Policy Term
Premium Payment Term
Single Pay
5 years
40 years
Limited Pay
PPT + 1
Regular Pay
5 years
- Premium Mode
Annual | Semi-annual | Monthly - Sum Assured
Rs. 5,00,000
Rs. 25,00,000 (subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy)
(Sum Assured allowed in multiple of Rs. 50,000 only)
- Grace Period
Grace Period refers to the time granted by Us from the due date for the payment of premium, without any penalty or late fee, during which time Your Policy is considered to be in-force with the risk cover without any interruption, as per the terms and conditions of Your Policy. A period of 15 (Fifteen) days from the due date of the first unpaid Premium for monthly Premium payment mode and 30 (Thirty) days from the due date of the first unpaid Premium for annually or semi-annually premium payment modes will be allowed. The insurance coverage continues during the grace period, however, if the Life Insured dies during the grace period, the Company shall be entitled to deduct the unpaid Premium from the Benefits payable under the Policy. Grace period will also apply to Rider Premiums payable along with the Base Policy premium. - Waiting Period
A waiting period of 45 days is applicable from the date of commencement of risk for Death Benefit payable under this Plan. In the case of Revival of Policy, Waiting Period is not applicable.[1]
What's not covered in ABSLI Saral Jeevan Bima?
ABSLI Saral Jeevan Bima does not cover you for these things:

How to initiate Claim?
3 quick steps, everything online.
- Fill basic details
- Claim intimation
- Document submission
ABSLI Saral Jeevan Bima FAQs
We are constantly trying to simplify ABSLI Saral Jeevan Bima!
- Simple & affordable plan to meet Your financial security goals.
- Flexibility to pay premium just once or for a limited period or throughout the Policy Term.
- Enhance Your insurance coverage with Accidental Death Benefit Rider, on payment of additional premium.
- Paying all outstanding premiums together with interest and/or late fees as declared by Us from time to time;
- Providing evidence of Life Insured’s insurability satisfactory to us
- Revival of the Policy shall take effect only after revival of the Policy is approved by Us basis the Board approved underwriting Policy and communicated to You in writing.
The monthly interest rate charged on unpaid premiums will be declared by ABSLI on June 1st of each calendar year and is determined as (x+1%)/12 rounded to the next 0.1%, where x is the base rate of the State Bank of India. The current applicable interest rate, as declared on June 1st, 2020, is 1% per month compounded annually. Any change in basis of determination of interest rate for revival can be done only after prior approval of the Authority. In case of Limited Pay policies, We will pay the Policy Cancellation Value, if any, if the lapsed Policy is not revived at the end of Revival Period.
- The date on which death benefit becomes payable; or
- The date on which refund, if applicable, is settled, in case of cancellation of Policy; or
- The date of maturity of the Policy; or
- On expiry of revival period, if the Policy has not been revived; or
- On payment of free look cancellation amount.
- You have a free look period of 15 days (30 days in case of electronic policies and policies obtained through distance mode) from the date of receipt of the policy document, to review the terms and conditions of the policy and where if You disagree to any of those terms and conditions, You have the option to return the policy to Us for cancellation, stating the reasons for Your objection, then You shall be entitled to a refund of the premium paid subject only to the deduction of a proportionate risk premium for the period of cover and expenses incurred by Us on medical examination of the proposer and stamp duty charges.
- A request received by us for free look cancellation of the policy shall be processed and premium refunded within 15 days of receipt of the request, as stated vide (a) above.
- The Policy shall terminate on payment of this amount and all rights, benefits and interests under this Policy will stand extinguished.
Other Insurance Plans

¹ Our life insurance policies cover COVID -19 claims under life insurance claims, subject to applicable terms & conditions of policy contract and extant regulatory framework.
² Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. Kindly consult your financial advisor for more details.
³ABSLI Saral Jeevan Bima scenario: Male, Entry age: 30. Policy term: 40 years. sum assured: ₹25,00,000. Regular premium payment, Premium: ₹2490.47/month (excluding GST).
ABSLI Saral Jeevan Bima is a Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance Plan. GST and any other applicable taxes will be added (extra) to your premium and levied as per extant tax laws. An extra premium may be charged as per our then existing underwriting guidelines for substandard lives, smokers or people having hazardous occupations etc. For policies issued on minor life, the date of commencement of risk shall be the date of commencement of the policy. Where a policy is issued on a minor life, the policy will vest after attainment of majority of the Life Insured. Where the Life Insured (whether major or minor) and Proposer/Policyholder is different, on the death of the Proposer/Policyholder, his legal heirs, in accordance with the existing succession laws, will be considered as new Proposer/Policyholder. As there is no death benefit payable on the death of the Proposer/Policyholder, the policy status does not change, and the policy continues. This product shall also be available for sales through online channel. Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. UIN: 109N128V01 ADV/6/22-23/470.