Ch. 10: 13 Things to Consider Before Buying Annuity Plans

Key takeaways from this chapter
- Things To Keep In Mind Before Investing In Annuity Plans
- Know your budget
- Check and compare the annuity rates of different insurance companies
- Know when you want to start receiving the payouts
- Premium Payment Term And Frequency
- Annuity Payout Period And Frequency
- Customising The Plan
- Surrender Benefits
- Free-look Period
- Grace and Revival Period
- Nominee of the policy
- Do your research
- Consult a good financial advisor
- Wrapping up!
एन्युटी योजनाओं में निवेश करने से पहले ध्यान रखने योग्य बातें
Know your budget
Check and compare the annuity rates of different insurance companies
Know when you want to start receiving the payouts
Premium Payment Term And Frequency
Annuity Payout Period And Frequency
Customising The Plan
Surrender Benefits
Free-look Period
Grace and Revival Period
Nominee of the policy
Do your research
Consult a good financial advisor
Wrapping up!

Get Guaranteed Returns After a Month^
Unlock the Power of Smart Investment!

1 Guaranteed Annuity Plus Plan, Annuitant -Health Male: Age 45 years | Annuity Option: Deferred Life Annuity with Return of Premium | Premium payment term – Limited pay (5 years) | Purchase Price: Rs. 10,00,000/ year for 5 years | Deferment period: 15 years Annuity Pay-out Frequency: Annual | Single life. Get Rs 6,94,936/- (Exclusive of taxes) from the end of 15 years, every year till annuitant is alive.
ABSLI Guaranteed Annuity Plus Plan is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating, General Annuity Plan (UIN: 109N132V09).
³ Provided that all due premiums have been paid.
*Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. Please consult your financial advisor for further details.