Module 04 Money Back Plan
Ch. 10: Surrender Money Back Policy - All You Need To Know

What is Money Back Policy?
Why You Should Invest in Money Back Policy?
What are the benefits of Money Back Policy?
What are the different types of Money Back Plans?
Money back plan customization - Choose the different options
Insurance Riders Available With Money Back Plan
Money Back Policy Bonus - Know its Meaning, Types & How its Calcualted
Money Back Policy Exclusions - Know Which Type of Death is Not Covered
Money Back Plans and Term Life Plans
Surrender Money Back Policy - All You Need To Know
Reduced Paid-Up Policy - Everything You Need To Know
What is the claim settlement process of Money Back Plan?
Money-back Plan - How does it work?
Things To Consider Before Buying Money Back Policy
Different Ways of Buying Money Back Plans
Key takeaways from this chapter
- What does Money Back Policy Surrender mean?
- Reasons for surrendering a policy
- What is a Surrender Value?
- Types of Surrender Value
- How is the Guaranteed² Surrender Value calculated?
- How is the Special Surrender Value calculated?
- The SSV for Ria’s plan will be calculated using the formula
- Documents you are required to submit for Policy Surrender
What does Money Back Policy Surrender mean?
Reasons for surrendering a policy
What is a Surrender Value?
Types of Surrender Value:
How is the Guaranteed² Surrender Value calculated?
How is the Special Surrender Value calculated?
The SSV for Ria’s plan will be calculated using the formula
Documents you are required to submit for Policy Surrender

Get Guaranteed Returns After a Month^
Unlock the Power of Smart Investment!
Looking to buy Money back Plans

ABSLI Assured Savings Plan
Life insurance cover with guaranteed² benefits

Receive Loyalty Additions

Guaranteed2 returns

Comprehensive life cover

Cover spouse in same policy
₹5.82 lakhs5
Give for 6 years:
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2Provided all due premiums are paid.
⁵ Scenario: Healthy female age 21, investment for 6 years, maturity benefit after 12 years, payment frequency monthly, Sum Assured Rs.8,34,000 lakhs, monthly investment Rs.5000/-. You give Rs.3.60 lakhs and get Rs.5,82,840 lakhs.