Ch. 6: Customization Options in Child Plans

Key takeaways from this chapter
Premium Payment Term options
Mode of Payment of Cover Amount
Premium payment frequency
Enhanced Coverage

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^ABSLI Child’s Future Assured Plan. Plan option: Education & Marriage Milestone. Male | Age: 35 years | Policy term: 25 years | Premium paying term: 10 years | Education milestone benefit period: 3 yrs & Education assured benefit start term: 15 yrs | Marriage assured benefit start term: 25 years | Annualized premium: ₹1,00,000 (excluding tax) | Total Benefits Payout: Rs 21,58,664 [Education Milestone Payout: Rs 10,79,332 (policy year 15,16,17) and Marriage Milestone Payout: Rs 10,79,332 (policy year 25)] | Age of Child: 0 years, Child as a nominee | Sum assured multiple for marriage: 100%
ABSLI Child Future Assured Plan (UIN: 109N124V01) is a non-linked non-participating individual life insurance savings plan