Ch. 11: How To Claim Or Redeem the Child Plan?

Key takeaways from this chapter
Child Plans are redeemed in two scenarios
Documents required for child plan claim settlement process
Additional requirements for claims within 3 years
Additional requirements for accidental or unnatural death claims
In case the Policyholder survives

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¹ Provided all due premiums are paid.
^ABSLI Child’s Future Assured Plan. Plan option: Education & Marriage Milestone. Male | Age: 35 years | Policy term: 25 years | Premium paying term: 10 years | Education milestone benefit period: 3 yrs & Education assured benefit start term: 15 yrs | Marriage assured benefit start term: 25 years | Annualized premium: ₹1,00,000 (excluding tax) | Total Benefits Payout: Rs 21,58,664 [Education Milestone Payout: Rs 10,79,332 (policy year 15,16,17) and Marriage Milestone Payout: Rs 10,79,332 (policy year 25)] | Age of Child: 0 years, Child as a nominee | Sum assured multiple for marriage: 100%
ABSLI Child Future Assured Plan (UIN: 109N124V01) is a non-linked non-participating individual life insurance savings plan