Ch. 13: Things To Know Before Buying Child Plan

Key takeaways from this chapter
- The goal of your investment
- Choosing the cover amount that’s right, for you
- Benefit payout frequency
- Know your affordability
- Premium payment term
- Premium payment frequency
- Know and understand the returns
- Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed Benefits
- Policy Surrender
- Thorough research
- Insurer’s past performance
- Free-look period
- Grace period and Revival period
- Nominee of the policy
- Riders
- Financial Advisor
The goal of your investment
Choosing the cover amount that’s right, for you
Benefit payout frequency
Know your affordability
Premium payment term
Premium payment frequency
Know and understand the returns
Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed Benefits
Policy Surrender
Thorough research
Insurer’s past performance
Free-look period
Grace period and Revival period
Nominee of the policy
Financial Advisor

Get Guaranteed Returns After a Month^
Unlock the Power of Smart Investment!

¹ Provided all due premiums are paid.
^ABSLI Child’s Future Assured Plan. Plan option: Education & Marriage Milestone. Male | Age: 35 years | Policy term: 25 years | Premium paying term: 10 years | Education milestone benefit period: 3 yrs & Education assured benefit start term: 15 yrs | Marriage assured benefit start term: 25 years | Annualized premium: ₹1,00,000 (excluding tax) | Total Benefits Payout: Rs 21,58,664 [Education Milestone Payout: Rs 10,79,332 (policy year 15,16,17) and Marriage Milestone Payout: Rs 10,79,332 (policy year 25)] | Age of Child: 0 years, Child as a nominee | Sum assured multiple for marriage: 100%
ABSLI Child Future Assured Plan (UIN: 109N124V01) is a non-linked non-participating individual life insurance savings plan